Florence is very keen on Barbie sized dolls and has been for a while now. She’s a girl after my own heart as I too used to love playing with them when I was little so I totally see the appeal. One of her favourite brands is Monster High which provide a fabulously funky fashion doll with a massive twist. They’re a little darker as they are half monster and half human and they come with all sorts of fabulous fins and the like on their arms while they are often quite colourful in their skin colour too!
They’re really different to everything else in the fashion doll style and Florence has become a massive fan over the past year or so. Not only does she love playing with the dolls but she also really enjoys the DVDs and webisodes on the the Monster High website as well as reading the magazine! Yep, we’re well and truly into Monster High over here!
Florence has a few of the dolls, she got a couple for Christmas that she keeps at my Mum’s house to play with when she’s there and we recently reviewed two from the Monster High Exchange range here. She loves them but has had her eye on some of the original characters too with Draculaura being her absolute first choice as she is the top girl at Monster High and of course, Florence’s favourite! Florence was absolutely thrilled to bits when I gave her a Draculara doll and even more so when she realised that also, a Frankie Stein doll had come to live with us too (I do get a massive kick out of their names and it has to be said the originals have the best ones)!

They’re the originals and in all the DVDs and shows so having them to play with along side her other dolls is just what Florence was hoping for! I love listening to the stories she makes up for them to act out as she plays as they are inspired by the shows but entirely from her own imagination which is just great fun!
Florence loves to brush their hair and change their clothes and shoes around as well as their earrings. She tells me these two new dolls are her favourite so far and is only slightly disappointed that neither of these ones came with a brush. It’s not a massive deal as we have other brushes but she did say she would have preferred for them to come with one of their own. They do however come with stands and this is rather helpful when plaing long games using all the dolls!

Aside from the hair brush Florence thinks the dolls are perfect and particularly enjoys all the details printed on them (freaky flaws as they’re known in the Monster High world) like Frankie Stein’s scars and Draculara’s heart on her cheek. Personally I have to say I could do without the arms being able to come off as we keep losing one and having a mad panic while we look for it but Florence insists this is all part of their charm so what would I know?!

Monster High dolls are ace, I totally get it! We will definitely be adding to the collection because what’s not to like and Florence wants her own YouTube channel for me to film her playing with them and acting out the stories she makes up! Well, she simply CAN’T be as bad as some of the American YouTubers who make a living out of doing just that!
We were sent some Monster High dolls for the purpose of an honest review.