On Thursday I was invited to the Sky Bar at the Grange Hotel in Holborn for a day of lovely things with Moonpig. Now I went to a Moonpig event last year and was totally surprised by the type of things they sold, the quality and how inexpensive it is to use their service so I was really looking forward to finding out what’s new for 2015!
The thing that I was most surprised about last year was that Moonpig don’t just sell cards like I has assumed. They have a massive collection of flowers with very effective delivery procedures and as well as that they were offering some gifts and food treats too. This year it seems that element of their service has absolutely exploded!

The room was filled with flowers made up into beautiful bouquets and cards of course but also, alongside the chocolates were simply oodles of delicious gifts including huge (and super tasty) cakes! I got to speak to the buyer who was really enthusiastic and was keen to listen to my ideas about having a diabetic range. My Grandmother like lots of older people can’t digest sugar and has diabetes so sending her something in the post whichv is yummy would be ideal. I love how interested he was in this idea and got the impression that everyone at Moonpig is open to ideas which is great.
I’m pretty sure that Moonpig is open to lots of ideas in house too as the very clever calligrapher told me she feels free to be artistic I and if she wants to try something new she’s always encouraged and she said its he same in every department. I asked her whether working for a company like Moonpig differs beyond comparison to her days selling hand made cards at Greenwich market which sound very bohemian but she assures me the only difference is a decent wage. If the staff are as happy as they showed me they are then Moonpig must be a great place to work and the results natrually are reflected in their service.
I had a truly lovely day, loved the products and had lots of fun trying my hand at calligraphy and flower arranging. I don’t think Moonpig will be banging on my door asking me to give up my day job but I had super fun anyway. I also got to do a little tea tasting with the English Tea Shop who do brilliant tea gifts. I love the art of tea and drinking it in beautiful China cups looks so beautiful so I was very interested.

I love Moonpig actually. From their style, service and offerings to the very lovely people they have working for them. I also really, REALLY need to buy some more of the chocolates that were in my goody bag. Hands down, no word of a lie, THE BEST chocolates I have ever eaten… Thick, creamy milk chocolate covering gooey salted caramel… Montezuma salted caramel truffles are called ‘American Idol’ and they’re spectacular… I might even have to order some and send them to myself!
I went to see the new range from Moonpig but was under no obligation to write this post.