RoaRR Dinosaur Adventure – Lenwade, Norfolk – Review!
I’ve taken the big kids to the dinosaur park in Norfolk (Roarr Dinosaur Adventure) before but absolutely not for ages. I’m not sure why because as we are members of Banham Zoo it means we can get 50% off the entry price at Roarr making that a big incentive, but I guess we’re always busy and haven’t got around to it – however, I’m SO glad that we finally did it this half term as it was BRILLIANT for all three babes!

I’d sort of forgotten that this place was so vast and stuffed the the very edges with things to do. I’m not even sure that we found everything the last time we went so I’d made it my mission to do it ALL this time. And let me tell you, that’s a little bit of a feat for there are many areas including: A massive dinosaur trail where you can climb on the predatory beasts, a mini trail (both have parks and play equipment within them), a HUGE outdoor play area with a baby zone, a giant indoor soft play, a mini zoo, a high ropes section (sadly not open for the season yet – sob!), a splash zone (again not quite sunny enough right now), go karts, mini golf, sandpits, fossil digging, and so much more! I mean we didn’t arrive until late which was a bit of a mistake as we literally couldn’t do everything for as long as we’d have liked – it’s really got me thinking about an annual pass because it’s seriously GREAT!

During half term they had a special incentive to visit (which I’m sure they will do again in other school holidays as it must have made it mega packed – the car park was chocka blocka by the time we arrived yet somehow it really didn’t feel busy in the park – this must be because of the size of it! This holiday if children came dressed in fancy dress for ‘Fantasty February’ they were given 50% off their ticket price – bonus! The fantasy theme continued on the park with a collaborating between Roarr and the Fairyland Trust, a charity which introduces children to nature. Workshops (which cost £1 per child to take part and were 15 minutes long) took place where you were invited to join one of four teams: #teamunicorn, #teamtroll, #teamfairy or #teamdragon! With teams selected it was time to look out for themed challenges and designated photo points around the park – we went for TEAM DRAGON!

Another brilliant day out at another glorious Norfolk hang out for the whole family to become besotted with! I think the park is terrific and am annoyed with myself for not checking it out properly sooner. We will be back for sure – I mean we HAVE to because we haven’t even done EVERYTHING yet! The last time we went it was winter and despite the shimmering sunshine on our visit this week of course it still is the winter season and yet again we couldn’t take advantage of the fabulous looking splash play area they have OR the amazing HIGH ROPES (which are all included like everything else, in the ticket price)! So we need to go back come a sunny day and FULLY invest in this brilliant park! I could easily see the appeal of an annual pass for us here too so watch this space… I might have to add it to my list! I highly recommend a visit to Roarr – it’s pretty ROARRSOME!

We were gifted tickets for our day out at Roarr.