The importance of pastoral care in schools

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The importance of pastoral care in schools

Pastoral care is an important factor in any school. It influences the attitude and mindset of both the students and teachers and focuses on personal and academic success as well as the overall wellbeing of individuals. Teachers and other members of staff have a commitment to their students to ensure that they are provided with an environment that supports their physical, emotional and intellectual development. Whilst many believe a teacher’s sole responsibility is to deliver content for education, it is also important to remember that a child that is in distress and struggling, will not be able to work well. This means teachers and staff need to provide all round care for students. Here is some advice from this kindergarten in New York on the importance of pastoral care in schools.

Why is it important at school?

There is one thing every parent wants for their child, and that’s for them to always be happy. So, what can be done to ensure that your child will be happy at school when you aren’t around to keep an eye out for them? The simple answer is pastoral care. Education and health are closely tied, with studies showing that a child with good physical and mental health, achieves better academically. Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) lessons teach important life skills that students can implement into their own lives. Great pastoral care in schools will ensure students are able to build their character, which will help them when they reach adulthood.

What is good pastoral care?

Pastoral care can look different in each school depending on the establishment. However, overall, it prioritises the importance of keeping a student’s needs at the centre of focus. One of the easiest ways to identify this, is if students feel comfortable enough to talk to teachers about any issues they might be having. However, some students may not find it as easy as dropping into a one-to-one session for a quick chat and may conceal their problems. This is why it is important that teachers are able to pick up on subtle changes or cries for help that may indicate that the child is in need of assistance.


This is a huge part of what makes up good pastoral care. This includes knowing what to do when a child falls and grazes their knee, ensuring the school is secure from intruders and teaching children how to stay safe.


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