My Mum’s a massive fan of Hotter Shoes and has worn them religiously for years. Now love my Mum as I do (she’s pretty blooming fabulous), we do not exactly share the same fashion tastes… She goes for comfort over style most of the time whereas I’m probably the exact opposite… When wearing particularly high and impractical footwear I’ve been known in the past to take cover up out with me as when they eventually start to rub I don’t want any unslightly red marks to blight my ‘look’ and this has caused much hilarity with my pals.
Of course I do wear comfy shoes sometimes (I’m a HUGE lover of the Ugg for winter) and jelly shoes in the summer are my staple but… I also love heels to the point of bonkers (my wedding shoes could literally only be stood still in) and the two do not come hand in hand… Or do they?
I went to a press evening last night at the Norwich Hotter Shoes shop and, my predictions about the range being only for my Mum were completely unfounded! They actually have some pretty fine and HAWT shoes in Hotter and I was super surprised at how many I loved! Of course there were a few which weren’t to my taste (ones which my Mum would adore I’m sure) but they had loads to fall in love with. Not just heels but heels with style (some reminded me of 1980’s Vivienne Westwood and others definitely had a new romantics vibe – LOVING the 80s trend at the moment) and also, quite a few flat styles that I could have run out of the shop with there and then if I’d only been wearing a comfier, baggier jumper with which to hide them all under (of course I was wearing something entirely innappropriate to comfort – and looting – Jokes)!
We had a little presentation from the experts who told us that Hotter, who started as slipper makers, have progressed over the years so that they now make shoes which are as comfortable as slippers… EVEN the heels!

The soles of the shoes are filled with millions of air bubbles and some of them have a pyramid of comfort in the inner soles to cushion the ball of the feet. They’re super bendy and each pair, no matter how high, how wide, how big or small, has a comfort concept which gives wiggle room for toes and which their customers swear by. They must be doing something right because in just 6 years they have gone from 5 shops to over 80 and they are the UK’s biggest shoe manufacturer making a pair every 20 seconds… WOW! I love that they’re so into their roots as well and it doesn’t matter how big the company has become serving not just the UK but the USA as well, their call centre is in Lancashire next to their factory. Keeping it British, that’s what we love! And… As well as shoes they do bags. Lovely, lovely bags! Look!

But back to the shoes… So! If you’re like me and you think that this kind of Hotter means Mumsy rather than the other kind of hotter then you need to think again. These are a few of my absolute favourites from the current range but there’s LOADS more in store! And it’s not just the ladies who they cater for either… What’s better than a hot man I hear you ask? A HOTTER man for sure! I had a sneaky peek at the men’s wear and I have to say, not bad Hotter… Not bad at all!

And then came the hard part of the evening (I’m glossing over the fact I drove and had to say no thank you to a glass of Prosecco – that was hard enough) and I had to make a decision because… Lucky old me they said I could take a pair away with me… I wanted them all (and the bags) but I narrowed it down to three…

Surveying the ridiculous tan line on my feet courtesy of my Jellies this summer I decided thick black tights and boots were the only way to go but that left the dilemma of should I go for a Hotter Original with the Mystery Boots or for a bit of Nubuck action with the Belle boots? I did so love those dancing shoes but winter is on the way and I wear black tights and boots most days dressing them up or down depending on where I’m going so I HAD to go in that direction in the end!

The assistants on had were so good with me advising of width fittings and what would be best. I’m usually a UK size 4 but they said their styles can be wider so as the 4 was a bit on the big side they recommended going down one and they fit perfectly! I brought my size 3 Belle Boots home and have been wearing them around the house this morning to see how they feel – I won’t go outside until I treat them with the special spray that Hotter Shoes also sell and recommend treating Nubuck with every two weeks. They are SO comfortable and I think they look HAWT too. Hotter Shoes, you’re right, you’re shoes are indeed hawt diggidy dawgs!

I’m going back in store very soon so that I can take my Mum and try to persuade her to go for a different style. She’s loved Hotter Shoes for so long but literally buys the same pair over and over… She has her winter boot and her summer sandle and is not very keen on change but… Now that I’ve seen how many other styles would suit her my mission it to try and get her to branch out a little! She can’t possibly argue with me that other styles wouldn’t fit her as the sole to her favoured shoes is also the exact same base to loads of others too so they’ll all be as comfy as each other. They have little groups of soles like that at Hotter which is fab; you find the style sole that suits you and then you’ll know that no matter what the design they will definitely fit! Come on to my Mamma, I’m getting her something bold for winter by hook or by crook and while I’m there I’m gonna have to pick up one of those FIERCE hand bags (or maybe both of them). What would you go for, the red or the blue?

Thanks to Hotter Shoes for the gift of my boots, I love them and I’ll be back!
Hi, just thought you might like to know as a result of this post I popped into my local hotter store and purchased a new pair of ankle boots. I have high hopes for comfort and durability. Last year I walked through 2 pairs of DM’s, the year before I walked through my Clarks I’m hoping these last a little longer. However I was a little sad that the boots you chose were not available in the Milton Keynes branch nor are they in the catalogue I was given…. There was only one pair of knee high boot. Please feel free to pass on my feedback.
Ah that is SO lovely. I’m so pleased you found a pair that you like but such a shame you couldn’t get the same boots as me. I have found them on line for you here and have also emailed you just in case you don’t see my reply. Have fun being Hotter this winter!