Really Good Conversations For Kids!

Really Good Conversations For Kids!

I think it’s fair to say that when life is rushed, hectic and mid-term, we often don’t stop to think about the things we are talking about with our children. We move from A to B often times and just getting there is the paramount so while I’m not saying we need prescriptions to enable conversations with our families, sometimes it can be just the invitation needed to stop, ask and listen to each other. And such a prescribed element can be found in the game “Really Good Conversations For Kids” made by family team Amy Faulkner and Alex Marshall.

When Alex lost his Grandfather the realisation that he’d never be able to learn about him as a person again struck, and the thought that really important conversations could never be had again. It planted the seed to devise the card game that gets people talking. And they have lots of versions of it, from “couples” (cheap therapy perhaps?) and a version for “Business” with variations in-between, alongside the style we’ve been playing “for kids”.

“Really Good Conversations For Kids” is a device to engage with little ones in a way which might often be overlooked due to nothing more than the rush, rush, rush of every day life. Everyone wants to chat with their kids but stopping, taking those moments to really listen, and talk, and the game brings an ideal opportunity. To play the game is to sit down and commit to beginning a chat which can deviate, change tack and actually, find you having a completely different discussion to the one you began with.

Jimmy and I had found while he was in hospital after a bike accident a couple of week’s ago, that we talked and talked. There was nothing else to do while in there and I discovered, I think he did too, that we became even closer. I’d say for a while now he and I have been butting heads. We are super similar and it felt like all we ever did was argue or go over the necessary, “Where are we going? What time do you need picking up? What do you want for dinner?” Having that time together while he was recovering was delightful and proved a real silver lining to what was a pretty rough moment. We have totally reconnected as a result and I think that’s kind of hard to do usually. And I’m definitely not saying you need a scare or a hospital visit to bring you up short, God forbid, but the fact that we had and did, awful as it was, brought about our friendship again. I’m not just his Mum doing Mum things, he’s not just my son doing son things, we are people. Our chats brought us together.

So, when we came home again, a week after he was admitted, for further convalescing, it felt ideal to crack out these cards with his brother and sisters and begin having more conversations together. It’s an art that perhaps we’d not been practicing enough, and it showed in our relationship. I think when it comes to kids, or adults, taking time to ask things, then listen and share, it’s just so valuable. So we took the prescribed and we’ve been running with it!

The questions are great actually, because we have been discussing things we might not have otherwise, “What new invention does the world need?” was one of the first we discussed. Jimmy says a special clip for the bag attached to nose tubes when in hospital. “That thing gets heavy and you have to just swing it about and drag it with you, if you could clip it to your clothing that would be MUCH better!” Lots of the questions are fun, engaging and a little bit silly. Some of them are rather emotive. others are though provoking.

You deal the cards, two per player, and then you choose two to ask people in your game. You don’t have to answer though, that’s important and at that you move swiftly on. This isn’t so much a game for winners and losers, more winning for all who play and everyone can answer all the questions if they like! Raffie loved that he found the cards easy to read. He’s 6 years old (the game is recommended for age 6+) and often he gets a little left out and has to join a team but this was perfect for him to do on his own. Posie, of course can’t read but she joined in too and big sister Florence graced us with her presence for more than the time it takes to eat dinner.

We all found good in this game and when not playing we’ve dipped in and out, a card her and there, just to prompt us to have a really good conversation.

Really Good Conversations say:

Key Benefits

✅ BOOSTS CREATIVITY & CRITICAL THINKING: Enhances problem-solving and creative thinking through thought-provoking questions.

 ENHANCES SELF-AWARENESS: Aids in self-reflection, boosting confidence and understanding of oneself.

✅ FOSTERS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Encourages self-reflection and emotional expression, vital for healthy relationships.

✅ IMPROVES SOCIAL SKILLS: Promotes active listening, effective communication, and teamwork.

✅ TAKE ANYWHERE: Portable and easy to play anywhere: on the road or at home.

✅ PREMIUM GRADE CARDS: Premium quality, highly durable cards.

✅ UK MADE: Proudly designed and manufactured here in the UK.

A thoroughly worthwhile activity for families, on the go, at home, on holiday… The possibilities for use are wide and varied and we like it very much. You can buy “Really Good Conversations For Kids” on the website or Amazon at £14.99. There is a volume 1 and 2 for kids so you can add to the collection of questions and really keep the conversations going!

P.S, We got their stickers too which Posie LOVED!


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