A Pinocchio Adventure!

What happens after Pinocchio becomes a real boy? Or a real person rather, as the cast of “A Pinocchio Adventure” refer to him at their all festive, fun and immersive theatrical experience for children aged 5 and over this Christmas season?! Well, you can find out at The Garage this December as this sequel version, produced by the team behind the “My First…” productions (of which they also have an offering for pre-schoolers – read more about The Night Before Christmas here) this is the story of how Pinocchio began to wonder if he’d been careful what he wished for!
A two person performance which never refers to anyone’s gender specifically, takes Pinocchio and his trusty mate the Cricket through a series of life learning events with a little help from the fairy with blue hair! Another life lesson for Pinocchio and a very sweet story with plenty of good messages delivered to the audience as the cast exuberantly took us on their journey.
This, unlike the “My First…” formula, is a little more like traditional theatre with the audience sitting in seats, watching. That said, it’s still an open space where they can leave very easily if needed and also be included in the show in a mini pantomime style. Questions are asked of the audience to participate and the feel and vibe is very much inclusivity! Posie, at 2, enjoyed it very much and Raffie, age 6, fully threw himself into the story. He was incredibly pleased to hear the cricket being referred to with the name “Cricket” as this is one of his middle names and he came out smiling, still talking about the show which has music, singing, a couple of baddies and a happy ending!
We loved it and always note that this theatre company at The Garage never fail to disappoint!

Playing now, until Christmas Eve, with daily performances (more than one) A Pinocchio Adventure tickets can be booked at The Garage ticket booth here! Tickets cost £16.50 (£10.50 concessions).