You know how the art of bad photography has been completely lost with the initiation of digital cameras? Well, for some I think the art of reading a book, an actual book has been a little forgotten with the likes of digital readers and it’s a crying shame. There’s nothing quite like the rustle of pages on a sun lounger. I adore turning each one as I devour a good story with sunshine dancing on my skin and the use of a Kindle or something similar loses a massive element of the pleasure for me. The smell, the feel, the look of a good book. Even the act of swapping them with friends when you’ve found one you simply couldn’t put down and you want to share the wealth. Unlike the lost bad photographs I think there’s enough of us still in the game, or coming back to it, to keep real, physical books alive and well and for that I’m so grateful. Also, for my children, books, an actual book to have and to hold, makes the world of difference in both the learning to read whereupon a new language is taught to the next generation, but also in the pleasure and enjoyment this brings. You simply could not get the experience in any other way than holding that book and pouring over it as you fall in love with words, with stories, with reading!
BOOKS2DOOR are a service who deliver books at affordable prices, to be bought in any way you choose; be it singularly or, even better, in bundles so that you can can binge read everything in the series. I love that. Down with Netflix binges, IN WITH READING I say!
We’ve just had a delivery for this month with books for my newly turned eleven year old which as soon as he saw them he started to thumb. This makes me extremely happy. Born into a technological world his go to is often a screen, he could swipe before he could read of course and as such sitting down with a good book isn’t his necessary go to. However, choose the right title for Jimmy and he’s off. He likes facts and knowledge rather than stories and his love of football and all the nerdy facts about it offer him as much pleasure as the playing so a series about football heroes was going to catch his imagination and get those pages turning. One of the BOOKS”DOOR best selling combo packages is the Ultimate Football Heroes series (£19.98) and with 10 books in this first collection he’s been busily choosing to read over gaming which is big stuff for Jim! I’m so glad I chose this set for him as he cleared a space on his shelves to keep them knowing that they will be ones he reads time and again, as well as picking up for the odd fact here and there. It’s a great little set which could be given as a whole bundle like we did for Jimmy or separated out for individual treats when needed.

I also ordered a set aimed at younger children for his brother who is five. The football books are aimed at ages 7+ (but even Daddy has been having a read) while I thought the fantastic Secret Seven complete collection of 16 books (£18.99) by Enid Blyton would be the perfect books for Raffie to have a go at reading big books for himself and to enjoy being read to at bed time for us. We underestimate the power of reading to children, indeed reading to ourselves. Quite the opposite happens when reading before bed compared to watching screens and it invites us into the right sort of relaxed state to enjoy perfect slumber. He’s got to an age now where he’s reading for himself more and more and gaining such enjoyment from it that little books, though still very much enjoyed for now, are beginning to become a little babyish for him. These classics are just that for a reason and with generations of Secret Seven fans behind him he is now joining the gang and becoming the eighth member for their tales. It’s beautiful to see!

As the children get to enjoy new books I thought perhaps I could steal some time for me too and with a favourite author of mine, Marian Keyes, having a double book offer (£8.99) with BOOKS2DOOR it was extremely easy to choose for myself too. The two books collection has set me up well for the next few weeks as I steal some time to read this favourite Irish author of mine. I rarely make the time for myself to enjoy this past time but I know with such tantalising stories in the offing I will make good use of some moments of calm.

The savings with BOOKS2DOOR are incredible. For my books I saved £6.99, a whopping 44% from the RRP. The football heroes books saw a 71% saving with an incredible £49.92 from the total price and Raffie’s Secret Seven books would usually cost £118.84 making the saving 83% off with £99.85 being shaved from the price! In total that’s £156.76 to be spent on something else (or more books) while BOOKS2DOOR charged £47.81 for the lot! Wowsers!
They were ordered very easily and came within a few days, perfectly wrapped and ready to be read. I’m hoping more books will continue to be read in this house so watch this space! Talking of space, this is something I will always find for books, unlike CDs and DVDs which have moved on and out with the times, books will last forever and I’m very definitely here for it.