Easter Holidays 2022! A particularly long holiday saw Florence break up a week before everyone else and get to enjoy nearly 3 and weeks of rest. Just what she needed after working so hard. Both big kids really had tried hard last term and made us proud with end of term reports so some fun was required. Of course we didn’t get away Covid free as it finally caught up with me but we did still have a great break […]
Spring Forward: Tips To Helping Your Child Adjust To Time Change Every year, people in the U.S. must fall back or spring forward for daylight savings. The time change is often challenging for grown-ups, but babies and young children have it harder. For youngsters, the shift is something new; they do not yet have the experience of time. Thus, for baby wellness, parents must find ways to ease the shock to the system. Many people do not realize all […]
Custom Baby T-Shirts: Where Do Parents Find Them? As a new parent, you are excited to dress up the newest addition to your family in fun and original ways. You want to introduce this little person as an exciting part of your family and have loads of fun while doing it. You can even create your own garments using DTF transfers. But what are DTF transfers? Well, they brin your own ideas and designs ti life ready for you to […]
Make Sure You Keep Toasti This Winter! OK so we aren’t even on summer weather yet but with energy prices rocketing just before we get to turn the heat down, and forget about it for a few months, it’s prudent to plan in advance how you will cope come the colder season with bills at an all time high! I’m rather hoping some governmental deals are in the offing to ensure we can all still make ends meet, but pinning […]
7 Affordable Ways To Add Value To Your Home Are you trying to upgrade your home on a budget? It can be difficult to know whether you’ll get your money back when investing money on home renovations. But sometimes there are minor changes you can make to help with a house sale, without spending lots of cash. Simple things which may not hit your eye immediately as items which could be changed easily, like adding different kinds of interior doors, […]
The Benefits of Artificial Grass in Family Gardens As a parent, you’re probably always looking for ways you can adapt your home and garden to make them more friendly for your family life. Artificial grass is one great example of a change you could make to your property so that it works for you and your children. No Mud One of the most prominent benefits of artificial grass is that you can kiss goodbye to muddy footprints in the house. […]
Exploring Gratitude with Your Child Teaching your child to be grateful for what they have and the people in their life will allow them to look at situations with an appreciative outlook, rather than focussing on shortfalls. As a result, your child might lead a happier and more fulfilled life, with stronger relationships. So, if you’re wondering how you can raise a grateful child, here are some tips from a private college in Berkshire. Teach Good Manners Reminding your child […]
Teaching Your Child to Safely Use the Internet Millions of people around the world use the internet on a daily basis. It is great for providing us with information, entertainment, and socialisation and once you’ve found the best satellite internet providers you’re good to surf the world! However, for those who are naïve to the dangers of the internet, it can be quite a perilous place. With that said, parents should teach their children how to use the internet in […]
How to Raise an Inquisitive Child An inquisitive nature allows a person to learn efficiently, by figuring out how things work and why things are the way they are. Children are naturally inquisitive because they have some much to discover about the world around them, and this is something you should nurture. If you’re unsure how to raise an inquisitive child, here’s some advice from a prep school in Hertfordshire. Encourage Questions Your child’s relentless questions might feel frustrating at […]
Roarr! For Easter 2022! Without a doubt Roarr! Dinosaur Adventure in Lenwade, Norfolk (known to many as simply “the dino park”) is one of our favourite days out ever! Raffie loves it so much he’s asked almost every day since his birthday visit in October when we will be going again and this weekend he finally heard the word he’d been waiting for “today”, to much excitement! I’ve actually been planning on buying an annual pass just for me and […]