Dearest Posie – You Are Five Months Old!

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Dearest Posie,

At five months you are still super dinky and little. 0-3 month clothes still easily fit you and it makes how clever you are seem even more impressive to others who assume you are much younger but able to do all these things which you shouldn’t be able to do already like get your knees up as if you’re about to crawl and somehow move around the room from one side to the other like magic! You want to do all the things and see everything and I love how in the pram you roll over and pop your head up to look out. People we meet in the street are so impressed with you and I agree with them always that yes you are indeed the most beautiful baby and so advanced for your age! You loved breast milk popsicles, hate the car and buggy, follow your sister and brothers with your eyes and will only really sleep on me… You’re a monkey and we love you Posie Popple Chops and can’t believe that you are five months old already!

Gorgeous girl!
Hanging out with friends!
With granny!
And Papa!
Enjoying the sunshine!
Being adored by siblings and cousins!
Loving the weather!
Cosy snuggles!
You just want to exacpe the pram!
Sunshine fun in Cromer!
Meeting Kara!
And Cookie!
You and me!
So many nice ones I couldn’t choose just one!
The tongue signalling teeth are on their way for sure!
Love this one!
Teying to crawl already!
Such a lovely brother making bubbles to entertain!
At Pensthorpe!
Soft play there!
You love watching Raffie’s Wobbel Yoga class!
The teething is pretty strong so I made these breast milk lollies!
Which you love to gum!
In this heat we’ve been having they’ve been the perfect cool down!
Light work!
Modelling for some George at Asda work!
In their sustainable baby range!
Looking so gorgeous and smiley!
Just adorable!
More George clothes but this time not to model although how could I resist?!
This bonnet!
And the fact you turned over in the pram and looked out like this made all the old ladies stop to say how gorgeous and marvel over you!
It all wore you well and truly out!
You got to meet the Earley/Dial crew!
Father’s Day at Pensthorpe!
While the big kids played in indoor play!
Full of your first proper cold is not fun!
So good even though feeling ill!
So full of cold poor baby but still smiling!
Night feeds!
This is how we do it!
Asleep with Raffie, in my bed of course!
Grusie and you!
More Grusie and you!
With Grandad at an early birthday celebration meal for Mummy!
Ah but brothers are brilliant!
Wearing one of Florence’s old dresses at Story Time!
Time with the very best of friends!
More people to adore you!
And for you to adore!
Worth Daddy at the farm!
Open Farm Sunday in Woodton gave a great back drop for a picture!
Lovely day!
With Raffie at Wobbel Yoga!
This is how we do it – the school run!
So hard to change a nappy of a rolling babe!
You want to climb out!
Little lovely gorgeous!
5 months old today!
Getting this picture is proving harder each month now you’re almost properly on the move!

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