How Do Christian News Help Grow Your Identity in Christ?

How Do Christian News Help Grow Your Identity in Christ?

A believer’s identity in Christ is built on a relationship with Christ and the destiny He has for us. God’s intention in making humanity is so that He could also be known through them. Hence, our identity in Him should display His identity to others.

With digitalization making the world a global village, individuals can access any information with just a click of the mouse. Both fake and real news is circulating, and the devil’s agenda is spreading quickly. As a believer, choosing what content to watch wisely is key in rooting your identity in Christ, and switching to a Christian station for new updates is ideal.

Read on to find out how Christian news can help grow your identity in Christ.

Appreciate Christian Identity as a Gift from God

Being a Christian means receiving a new identity in Christ. We lose ourselves and become new in Him. As you watch Christian news and see how many are perishing without the knowledge of Christ, you will appreciate your status quo in Christ. This will ignite a new passion for knowing and seeking Christ, growing and protecting your identity in Him.

Challenges You to Share the Good News with Unbelievers

Unfortunately, statistics prove that very few Christians share the word of God with non-believers in their community. As you watch Christian news, you will know how much the world is still hungry for God, with some parts unreached by His word. This can pose a good challenge to seek God and grow your identity in Him to reach others with the good news.

Heavenly Citizenship

Besides general information, Christian news highlights matters affecting believers, including the church’s persecution in other nations. Through the news, you will also learn of the constant changes in the customs of this world, diluting morality and which, in most cases, will feel foreign. As a believer, such knowledge should be a constant reminder of your temporary citizenship on earth and cheer you to pursue the kingdom of heaven.

Watch Christian News

God sets the believer apart to work for His kingdom while on earth, even as they yearn for eternity. While on earth, it is important to follow up on what is happening to understand the seasons and needs of the world. Understanding the seasons and taking advantage of them to grow our identity in Christ is key to becoming an effective believer and securing a place in heaven.

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