Into The Snow Globe At The Garage Norwich – A My First Production!

The second show in the Imgaitorium at The Garage this festive season launched last night with Into The Snow Globe, an interactive, immersive theatre experience for babies and children up to the age of 5. All In Productions kicked off their double offering with Operation Save Santa, aimed at a slightly older primary aged audience last week and we loved it. This week it’s back to their roots to showcase their second offering of a more pre-school vibed show which is, as ever when it comes to this production company, absolutely wonderful!

I always say that their shows are the perfect introduction for little ones when it comes to live performance and I said it again last night when at the show to another Mum who was worried her 17 month old might be a little young for it. Absolutely not I’d say, this is the most ideal show for tiny tots as the audience sits amongst the performance which is a one woman show with Lucy at the helm. I say one woman, there is a yeti, but Lucy (played by Hayley Thompson beautifully – a fellow Conti gal like myself) is the star of the show! She leads the children, sat on snow cushions around the centre of the snow globe which they are led into upon arrival, around the map to discover the secret land of the snow globe.

Children are encouraged to join in, help Lucy and become a part of the show rather than sit quietly and watch. There’s singing, dancing, snowball fights and more with an especially wonderful moment of discovering snow flakes in the shadows using phone torches to assist. The character Lucy interacts with little ones and by the end of the show they are not only friends with her but with the other children too. Like an elaborate game of make-believe which is, essentially, what theatre is all about!
The little two (I took the right children this week) absolutely loved every second with Raffie wanting to throw himself into all the elements of the show and Posie not far behind him, never wanting to be left out. They weren’t quiet and they didn’t sit still but the idea is for them to not be doing either of those things.
It’s perfect, and magical and just the right amount of time for tiny tots although actually, they were all having so much fun I don’t think anyone wanted to leave the warm, cosy, safe space of the snow globe! Book this and you won’t regret it and take older ones too for lots of the children last night were very definitely not pre-school age and yet they were smiling and joining just as much as the little ones, if not more so! Christmas is about magic and believing in it and this show very definitely proves it to be real when you want it to be.
On at The Garage in Norwich (which also has a plethora of free festive activities such as story time sessions this holiday) from now until December the 31st. Tickets are priced at £10.50 per adult and £5.50 per child which is an incredible value offering, again in keeping with All In’s values and so worth it. Support small not just in your shopping but in your theatre too, it won’t be any better elsewhere but is likely to be less inviting, inclusive and perfect for this age group!
We were invited to see the show as guests of the theatre.