Before this year I’d never really got into the Great British Bake Off. I’d heard loads of really good things about it but for some reason it wasn’t on my radar or timetable or something. Anyway, it’s all change this year as I’ve discovered it and now, I look forward to Wednesdays all week (and Friday’s for the Jo Brand spin off ‘Extra Slice’ show)!
The things is, Florence has also discovered it and I’m not sure why I didn’t use the old ‘an ice cream van plays music when they’re sold out’ philosophy but for some reason I told her the exact day of the week it’s on and now she has to stay up late as a treat when I probably could have got away with recording it and watching it the next day. Still, it seems her friends are also being allowed to stay up and watch because they all discuss it at school so I’m sure if I’d told that white lie she’d have found out and besides, it’s lovely to have her snuggled up to and it’s a special part of the week for us together!
Florence also loves to bake herself and I wish we did more of it. My kitchen is very small but when we move and have a big kitchen then I intend on doing lots of cooking together because there’ll be room to do it. For now, we just make fairy cakes and cookies which she loves. This week we were sent some kits from John Adams for food craft and because there’s no actual real baking involved but you still get a cake at the end of it it’s been really fun!

Both Florence and Jimmy especially loved the Mixubbles kit where you get to mix up your own flavoured drinks with either water of lemonade. For a treat why not?!

The other kits provided mini cakes and chocolate lollies. No baking required just a bit of mixing and melting of chocolate using special bowls that you fill the inside with hot water to make work. Now, this WAS a very messy process and probably not particularly suited to my current flat as biscuit crumbs (which have to be mashed) got every where. I think when I get my new kitchen I’ll be much more open to mess but for now I don’t find it fun! The children, however, had a fab time making the cup cakes and lollies and although they both came with lots of things to present them in like cupcake wraps and lolly bags, nothing lasted long enough to make use of them!

We were sent the John Adams Kits to join in with the Great British John Adams Bake Off. Products available in all good toy stores and online.