La Di Da Sweet Treats Chocolate Covered Oreo Advent Calendar!

Not familiar with La Di Da Sweet Treats? It began in 2012 as a kitchen table cupcake business to plug the gap in corporate gifting and has grown to the business it is today, not just cupcakes anymore but sweet treats in general, supplying the likes of Selfridges and Harrods no less so when you buy from them you’re in very good company indeed! Now they deliver nation wide and their signature treat is the chocolate covered Oreo adorned with hand made embellishments and this is where I come in to tell you about this year’s signature Advent calendar from the company!
The La Di Da Sweet Treats Chocolate Covered Oreo Advent Calendar (£22) is beautifully delivered with 25 sumptuously decorated (by hand, of course) chocolate covered Oreo biscuits, one behind every door! And having had a sneek peek behind every one of those doors I can tell you they are utterly beautiful! Tasty too, I mean who doesn’t love an Oreo? Or, for that matter, chocolate?!

These are just gorgeous and a truly special way to see in Christmas with a little treat every morning which Jimmy is going to love. I have designated Jimmy the chosen on as I think his love of Oreos surpasses all of ours put together but he will, of course, be one treat down as I have snaffled the first one meaning I’ll have to repack it with a random – we might call it an elf trick i think rather than a Mummy steal!

I think the packaging is just as beautiful as the contents and it would be a fabulous treat for anyone of any age – lucky Jimmy! Florence has a bath bomb calendar I picked up for a fiver in Home Bargains (she will love that) and the little two are stuck with a slightly better than bog standard (but not much) regular chocolate one. I think Jimmy wins doesn’t he!

I’m so looking forward to the start of the Christmas countdown when our little elves bring the children their Advent calendars and very definitely this year this one is the best one I’ve seen so far! Sweet treat indeed and VERY La Di Da!