Moritoys – My Dream House!

Posie loves a boxed game and she is also a mega fan of a puzzle. She loves to rope in her siblings to play with her, but even when no one is available to help she will happily entertain herself for ages playing. Today we’ve been trying out a Moritoys puzzle which also doubles as a bit of a game actually, so right up her street! The Moritoys progressive puzzel “My Dream House” comes with 6 smaller jigsaw puzzles which each make up a room for a home and each of these individual puzzles is made up of different amounts of pieces. There’s a 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 piece individual puzzle to create before you play and alongside them it comes with 7 cut out figures to playhouse with!

Create each smaller puzzle to build a house in whichever formation you choose. A bathroom, bedroom, playroom, study, living room and kitchen can be placed alongside each other however you choose and then you get to play “small world” with two elephant characters, a book, ball, plate of food, violin and cat!

Posie’s had great fun building the puzzles and then enjoying the continuous play this lovely little boz set offers!

We’d not played with Moritoys items before but we love the look of their range which is fun, colourful, educational and a little bit different! Check them out!