Online Education: How to Get Your Kids Ready

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Online Education: How to Get Your Kids Ready

With more and more students turning to online learning, it’s important for parents to help their kids get the most out of these educational opportunities. Whether your child is taking classes from a community college, a university extension program, or an online-only educational institution, there are several key steps you can take to ensure that they get the most out of these classes and achieve their educational goals. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Get them blue light filter glasses

Many online learning institutions make use of electronically projected lectures and course materials, as well as computer-based assessments. These types of activities require students to stare at a screen for extended periods of time, sometimes for several days in a row. Blue light emitted from these screens can cause eye strain and fatigue, leading students to experience headaches, blurred vision, and other health issues. To avoid these problems, be sure to invest in blue light filter glasses that block blue light and reduce eye strain. While some people debate the benefits of these glasses, they can be useful in mitigating some risks associated with long-term computer use. It’s also a good idea to take frequent screen breaks throughout the day.

2. Encourage breaks

Even though most online classes are self-paced and allow students to work at their own pace, it’s still important for kids to take regular breaks when they need them. Some institutions will provide tools or prompts to help children remember when they should take a break; if your child’s institution doesn’t, you can work with them to develop a customized break schedule that they can follow. Additionally, you might consider creating a small reward system for breaks to encourage kids to take them when they need them.

3. Help with time management

Online classes typically have strict deadlines for assignments, readings, and other coursework, which can make it easy for kids to procrastinate and fall behind. As a parent, it’s important to help your child learn how to manage their time effectively when taking online classes. This can mean setting up daily or weekly study schedules, using tools like calendar reminders, or simply having regular conversations about the importance of keeping up with deadlines and staying on top of assignments. It’s also a good idea to keep track of your child’s course progress so that you can see if they are falling behind or struggling in a particular

4. Provide support and encouragement

Along with helping with time management, parents should also do everything possible to offer their children emotional support as they take online courses. Kids may have trouble in these classes for a variety of reasons; some will find that the material is too challenging for them, others might become anxious about missing in-person classes and interactions with peers, and some might simply have trouble staying focused for long periods of time. Whatever the reason, parents should do their best to listen to their children’s concerns and help them work through any difficulties they’re having.

5. Encourage further learning

As your child takes online classes, it’s important to encourage them to take advantage of any other educational experiences that come their way. Maybe it’s attending a local workshop or conference related to their coursework, or perhaps they’ve been asked to sit on the board of an organization. Whatever it is, be sure to provide support and encouragement as your child takes these opportunities and makes the most of them. At the end of the day, it’s important that kids use their time enrolled in online courses to learn new things, explore potential career paths, and grow as individuals.

6. Monitor progress

Staying on top of your child’s coursework and progress is essential if you want to help them succeed in their online classes. You might consider setting up a regular meeting, such as once per week, or using an online tool to track their course progress. This way, you can see what assignments they’ve completed and what still needs finishing and take steps to help them stay on track if necessary. Additionally, it’s essential that you communicate with your child’s instructors regularly so that you’re aware of any problems they’re having in the class – this will allow you to provide timely support and encouragement. 

As your child takes online classes, there are many things that parents can do to support them and help them succeed. Some key tips include encouraging breaks during long study sessions, helping with time management, providing emotional support and encouragement, encouraging further learning, and monitoring progress. With these tips in mind, you can help ensure that your child has a positive and productive learning experience.

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