Pepco at Poundland – Summer 2024!

What do you think of when you picture Poundland? For me it’s always been inexpensive cleaning products, bargainous party supplies and little bits and bobs to keep the kiddos entertained. You can often pick up branded food items at a fraction of the RRP and it’s my go to for anything like cake tins, or batteries. What I haven’t, in the past, considered it for, is clothing.

I did know they made it but I just hadn’t looked. I’d kind of pre-judged that it wouldn’t be for me, not my style or perhaps not the quality I’m interested in. I have picked up the odd novelty at Halloween, Easter or Christmas, but I hadn’t really thought there’d be much long term, for my own, or the children’s wardrobes, and then I went away for the weekend and forgot to pack Posie’s entire bag. I’d got everything out and then not packed it, or, more importantly, put it in the car. She had nothing but the clothes and shoes she stood in and I had to hot foot it to a retail park where they happened to have a Pepco inside the Poundland. Now, I’d already popped to the supermarket when I saw Pepco and picked up a few bits but I still needed shoes and Pepco didn’t let me down… So when I was asked if I’d like to do a haul inside the newly opened huge store in Norwich I knew I’d be in for a treat. And boy was I!

I got the tiny two kitted out for summer, with a few bits for me too, to the tune of £146.50 with not just clothes to see them through the season, but ones which I know will come out again next year and frankly, they were so affordable, and I got them so much, they’d actually not have needed anything else this summer. Flip flops for £1, beach shoes for £3 and a wealth of clothing which not only meets my own exacting eye in terms of style, but is GREAT quality and matches exactly the type of understated style I love for them. Cute little twin sets for Raffie and pretty floaty dresses for Posie, along with swimwear, accessories, shorts and t.shirts. There’s lots of character clothing too, which isn’t my usual wont but Raffie HAD to have a Spiderman T.Shirt and you know what? At these prices, I wasn’t going to say no.

Pepco have, as Poundland do all round, an ethical policy which sees them fairly paying and fairly treating workers, as well as offering sustainability and I was more than pleasantly surprised, I think you will be too so take a look at what we got, because I’m so pleased with my shop! Who knew?! Well, me now and so do you!

And check us out in action over on Instagram!