Peppa Pig Costume – How To Make!

Posie wanted to dress up as peppa Pig for World Book Day which sounds like quite a tricky costume to make but… I found some cheats to make it a last minute home made outfit which I think worked really well!
You will need a red dress, pink tights and black shoes (ideally), and if you can get your hands on some piggy ears (we had hair clips) then even better! To make the snout I used air drying clay and a red ribbon and the tail was simply two pipe cleaners wound together with pink wool wrapped around it before curling it round my fingers and pinning on to the back of Posie’s dress. A top tip would be to tie the snout ribbons around bunches like I did with Posie here and it stayed on all day while she wanted it and was easily flipped onto the top of her head for when she wanted a break. The finishing touch was peppa’s red rosy cheeks which I created for Posie with face paints! I was really pleased with this simple, but effective costume!

Posie dressed up as Peppa for the World Book Day fancy dress competition at Wroxham Barns and her brother Raffie went to World Book Day at school dressed up as Dog man, another costume I created at home!