Roarr – Summer 2022!
This week we were very kindly invited as guests of the park to visit our fave Roarr! Goodness me we love it there, for so many reasons, but one of the best is that there’s something for everyone. Dippy and his friends are Raffie’s favourite. Hands down. He loves to see the show and roar his way through it with them and it doesn’t matter how many times we go, this is still his best bit closely followed by golf and go karts! For Posie there’s so much as well including a dedicated indoor play area which sadly she rarely gets to see because older siblings crave the more high powered fun and she has to come along for the ride. It’s no hardship though as she’s up the dino slides, on the go karts at Dippy’s Raceway, in the soft play and golfing with the rest of them. She also LOVES the dinosaur trail, the newly revamped Valley of the Dinosaurs, just like her brother Jimmy who is fascinated by the new animatronics and AR use to play games with them along the route. Florence is mega into the high ropes and can complete the course three times in record speed now, which is great as she’s big enough to take Raffie on and supervise him – he’s thrilled that he’s tall enough for them and thinks he’s a super big boy for being able to.

This visit we did all of those things as well as the new Dippy’s Exploration Adventure (which is suitable for older ones and the braver of the smalls – Posie was not keen and Raffie hated it the first time yet wanted to go again this visit and actually came out loving it so perhaps a heads up for them that it’s a bit scary and once they know they may be fine like him!) and of course the wonderful Dipply’s Splash Zone which is perfect for this weather. We actually went in twice because we needed to cool off. We did miss much, it’s impossible to do everything in one day and this time the indoor Dinomite play took a back burner in favour of the weather and being outdoors, we didn’t dig in the X-Tinction Zone, we missed playing on a lot of the park (we did do some) including the tree house and the Lost World was sadly lost to us as was the farm. We tried, what can I say?!

We also lost three big boys for a good half an hour which was not great but guest services were on it. We’d let them have a bit of freedom at age 10 and told them they could go into the play area for a while on their own. Of course they disappeared and as we looked for them and time marched on it became a bit worrying but over the radio they were looking for a woman on a crutch (Cookie) and another with a red trolley (me) and we were reuinted swiftly with stern words and a revoke of all freedom privileges. It didn’t ruin the day though and we were all smiling for our last splash of the day with donuts and ice cream (of which of course one fell on the floor immediately and the kind ladies just scooped him another)!

Customer service was absolutely banging, the day was thoroughly brilliant and though it’s wasp season and attractions are prime targets for them (it’s all the sweet stuff and wafting children I think – Gressenhall is always the worst I think for some reason and we always get stung there) Roarr has done a sterling job in trapping them and keeping them at bay best they can. I’d say a triumphant day (despite missing boy gate) and one we cannot wait to repeat! I still haven’t bought that annual but I hear after the holidays they may be getting a bit of a discount so def one to bear in mind. We simply haven’t had the time but this is 100% a pass I’d like for us and I’m putting it on the Christmas list for next year!
Quick though, go visit while it’s still summer and get your fill of that wonderful splash zone!
Thanks for having us Roarr! Another fab day out!