Stick Man Live – Leicester Square Theatre 2023!

I’ve been reviewing Stick Man Live at the Leicester Square Theatre for over a decade and honestly, it never gets old. This is the story we read constantly, or listen to on audio (discover a world of audio with Yoto Play) so to see it live is always a real treat too! I’d not ever recommend something that I wouldn’t be prepared to pay for myself (as you know, I have been gifted my tickets to this show for work purposes) and hand on heart I’d pay for this one again and again. It might actually be my favourite piece of theatre full stop. Not for Christmas, not for children but overall. I love it and more importantly, so do my children.
Florence and Jimmy have been watching the show since they were as teeny and tiny as their brother and sister and now we get to enjoy Raffie and Posie gaining all the same pleasure from this marvellous piece of theatre which is so true to the book, yet makes it its own somehow too, that it baffles me how they do it no matter how many times I’ve seen it! Freckle Productions sure do know what they’re doing!
Three actors, one of whom is mainly doing the music, sing and dance and use props and puppetry (of a fashion) to tell Stick Man’s story and boy do they do it well. I realised when in the theatre, smiling from ear to ear, that I know the songs word for word and had to stop myself singing out loud along with the cast. I also realised that every year I think “this cast, this is the best one we’ve seen” and it dawned on me that perhaps Freckle just have a knack of choosing the right actors every single year.
You may be thinking it’s an easy job holding the attention of a child centric audience but trust me, you couldn’t be further from the truth! These guys are talent on sticks and they earn their money but I expect they have fun too. You couldn’t not love Stick Man live from his family tree at the Leicester Square Theatre from now until the 2nd of January 2024 but hey, if you can’t make the west end then do note this show is also on tour with Freckle right through until the end of the year too!
Tickets for the show are from £17 and can be booked online or by calling the box office on 020 7734 2222.
We were gifted our tickets to the show in collaboration.