The Benefits of Sports in Schools

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The Benefits of Sports in Schools

Sport made its way into the education system in the late 19th century and has had children complaining since. Despite the exhaustion and having to face frosty cold weather there are many benefits to having sports in school as an independent school in Somerset shares with us below.

Improved Brain Health

There are also many neurological benefits to playing sports. Studies have also found that aerobic exercise increases grey matter in the brain, particularly in the areas that are responsible for memory processing, motor function and cognitive control. This can help children to be on their A-game at school and offer them a brighter future.

Promotes Teamwork and Leadership

The sporting games played at school also encourage team working and collaboration that are needed in various aspects of life. Teams also need a leader of the pack that can spot and utilise their strengths and weaknesses. This requires strategic thinking and a game plan – skills that can add value to any team and workplace. 

Improved Mental Health

In exercise, “feel good” chemicals known as endorphins are also released which help to relieve the symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression. This lifts the mood and helps children to feel more positive at school, allowing them to take more from their lessons.

Improved Physical Health

Sports tips and lessons educate children on the importance of physical activity and provide them with the knowledge of how to do so. Lessons highlight how to exercise safely without creating injury through stretching and warmups. It also allows children to fit exercise into their lifestyle, helping them stay active and healthy. This can improve their health markers and reduce their chances of developing serious, obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

Improved Peer Relationships

Children have the opportunity to make friends by working with those that they otherwise wouldn’t and build improved peer relationships. This is something that doesn’t happen as easily in the classroom as children are encouraged to pay attention and listen.

Hidden Talents

Children may even discover a hidden talent during their PE lessons. This can help them to find an extracurricular activity to pursue outside of school and mark the beginning of a prestigious career. With so many sports scholarships out there, it can even boost their chances of getting into a high-ranking university or college.


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