Do You Have A Wicked Uncle?!
We all had those aunts and uncles who didn’t know what to buy us as kids. Through no faut of their own, generous as they were trying to be, we’d end up with gifts that were very definitely never going to be played with or used. I’m sure they tried very hard, as hard as we had to show glee on our faces when opening a hand bag (me aged 7) or a toy way too young for us, but the thing is, when you don’t know kids that well, be they ones you don’t see very often or just because you don’t have children around, it’s really flipping hard to buy the right things. Even when you do have children of your own, buying for a child that isn’t in the age category you’re into in your house is phenomenally hard but we do all want to get it right, right? In step Wicked Uncle!

Wicked Uncle, the home of brilliant children’s presents, is a gifting website which not only sells all the right presents but it helps you perfectly choose the best ones for the child you’re buying for. No standing around toy shops in a quandary or stupor, no dithering over the mouse as you click to purchase… You just input the child’s age, gender if you want to and then Wicked Uncle prompts you to choose from categories that you might not know you know but when you see the option may think oh yes, little Billy DOES like to be creative and he is rather an adventurer. If you really have no clue then no worries there either for Wicked Uncle will just show you all their top sellers for the age child you’re looking for (I mean you do have to know their age, just as a Grandparent if you’re unsure)!
We’ve both received and bought from Wicked Uncle and it’s so darn easy I have to say it’s a real help. I just put in a little search for my eldest daughter (girls are a mine field after double digits especially) and up came a whole gaggle of things when I saw them I just knew she would love! A Disco 360 ICE – LED Show was one of the top picks and now I have to get it for her, it would SO be her thing. Another present was a bath bomb pamper set (just up her street) and frankly all the options would be perfect for her! They really do know what they’re talking about! Arm warmers, mood lights, little bookm wallets to keep her earrings and suddenly the possibilities of presents for her seem endless whereas usually when I think hmm, what would Florence like? I’m left stumped.

I tried again for my 9 year old son and out in nothing about his likes and dislikes yet the first five options would all absolutely be a bit of him! A smart ball to count keepy uppys, fifty pranks to freak your friends, a making a cyborg hand kit, brainbolt light up memory game and the 50 greatest card tricks. Jimmy would be thrilled with anything off that list and when I add in a tiny bit of detail about him personally, I get even more great ideas I know would be just the ticket for Jim!
I searched further for the two little ones, my 4 year old son Raffie and baby Posie who just turned one and again the options were perfect for them. Would I have thought about these things when out shopping? Probably not and I’d have spent hours trawling shops to find suitable items that then, of course and especially for my niece and nephew or friends, I may have judged it all super wrong but no one wants to be the Auntie who bought a 7 year old a hand bag because she was out of touch! With Wicked Uncle I don’t have to be, and neither do you!

Looking at the options for 4 year old boys I can see my son has been gifted recently at Christmas a couple of the top sellers and guess who by?! Wicked Uncles that’s who, Wicked Uncles who I can assure you would have needed the help of the ultimate Wicked Uncle to get things so right!
It’s a real no brainer, the easy options of easy options and what’s more is that delivery is super fast and super easy! Delivered in 1-2 days you will also get the chance to choose gift wrap you like best (and of course you don’t have to wrap it yourself), leave a message on the gift tag AND they remind you that you might like a card too (don’t worry, they help with all of that too)! Delivery charges are very reasonable at £2.95 (£6.95 if you want next day) and if you’ve posted ANYTHING recently you’ll know this is a massive saving initself. Unless you’re posting something the size of a postage stamp and it is slim enough to fit through a letter box then it costs the EARTH to post it. I recently had to post a charge to a friend who left it at my house and frankly, after the best psart of a tenner I’d have been better off ordering them a new one on line!
Could it BE any easier to be a Wicked Uncle these days?!
In collaboration and sponsorship withe Wicked Uncle.