Toucan Box!
If you’ve got a child into crafty activities then look no further than the Toucan Box to bring a smile on faces come rainy days. We were sent a few to try out and my main craft man Jimmy took great pleasure in examing every aspect before giving them a 10 out of 10 rating and asking for more!

The Montessori inspired STEAM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHS) boxes are both educational AND fun, delivered to your door, can be personalised for your children and the commitment is absolutely nothing. You can sign up for monthly boxes but cancel whenever you wish making it a “dip in and out” kind of treat if that’s what you need it to be, or of course it can also be a staple – something you know is coming and can look forward to regularly.

Inside the boxes are everything you need for two main crafting activities with a base of learning behind them and a magazine packed to the rafters with facts, guides and interesting puzzles, games, experiments, recipes and more.

Jimmy absolutely loved reading something physical rather than on line as has become the usual these days and I remember the excitement of an actual magazine so I think we may have lost something there. He’s actually not a keen story reader but facts, for him, are his thing. Picking up a facts book isn’t so easily come by as a novel so this enjoyment is largely found on his iPad where he has to have an interest in the topic to begin with in order to search it up. Here, with an actual magazine to peruse, he found new things to wonder over and really enjoyed the time he spent reading as well as doing! Then there are the things to do inspired by the magazine and its tips and. Tricks all on top of the two activities you’re given everything you need to complete inside the boxes.

He’s asked for more Toucan boxes, which of course we will oblige him with and because he’s enjoyed doing them so much he’s even asked to join his after school STEAM (although his school call it STEM) club which he’s really looking forward to.

I’d say the activities are also incredibly engaging and Jimmy took great delight especially in building a kitchen garden recently. He does the activities all by himself with no help (he’s 9) and they totally suit his age group. I have kept this as a Jimmy thing because you know what, sometimes it’s nice to have something just for you – especially when part of a large family like ours but Raffie, I know, would also really enjoy the box’s activities though would need help and a bit of assistance. You can order extra boxes for siblings so it might be a fun family thing for some.

It’s definitely no bad thing to grasp a bit of imagination and offer fun when it comes to education and learning. Like a really good teacher is one who can capture the essence of a lesson in a way that makes you enjoy it these boxes are ones the kiddos will always remember. And the activities are good quality in both design and materials with on going benefits rather than a build, discard and bin!

We have been very impressed and Jimmy came home with his PRIMARY TIMES magazine saying he’d also been given a coupon for a Toucan Box inside – they are thoroughly on his radar now and he just wants more, more, more!
We were gifted our Toucan Boxes as part of a collaboration but will continue to be customers.