Do You Really Need Cosmetic Work Done on Your Teeth?

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Do You Really Need Cosmetic Work Done on Your Teeth?

Cosmetic dentistry is a very broad term that involves multiple different types of dental procedures, ranging from installing veneers and braces to teeth whitening and smile correction, according to the Dentist in Raleigh. Now, the question is, do most of us need cosmetic dentistry? The best practices in the UK will always be found in the capital, search Veneers London to find the right place for you!

We don’t necessarily need to attend to a chipped tooth in the same way that we would need a heart procedure, should it ever come to that! However, can we benefit from cosmetic dentistry and its ensuing effects? That should be the real question, and the answer is yes. Read on to know why and how most of us stand to benefit from getting some dental work done, even if we may feel like we don’t really need it.


If you are not confident about smiling and showing your teeth while you are at it, that can reflect poorly on your self-image. Not everyone has to have a perfect smile, of course, but in case the problem is bothering someone to an extent where it’s preventing them from smiling wholeheartedly, that is a problem. Every time you have to be conscious about your smile in a social/official gathering, or while a photo is being taken, that will bear down on your level of confidence when you need it the most.


There is a lot of stigma around the concept of beauty, so it can feel conflicting if you are planning to get your smile to look more symmetrical and aligned with your eye line, just because you want to look better while smiling. The truth, however, is much simpler than society often makes it out to be and science supports that simplicity with proof obtained from various studies.

We are all attracted to symmetry, and nowhere else does symmetry matter more than when we smile. It is both perfectly natural and instinctive, if you wish to align your smile better, treat a receding gum line, or maybe just get your teeth whitened to match the whites of your eyes. All human beings are primarily visual beings, and although society may have changed the way we behave in response to certain visual stimuli, our subconscious perception and attraction to symmetrical and aesthetic faces are innately natural.


There are various health complications that can arise from oral health issues that will seem like a minor inconvenience to the average person. And according to the best dentist in Charlotte, cosmetic dentistry can sometimes help fix these issues. To explain what we are talking about, let us take a few common examples of dental health issues that are commonly mistaken as being cosmetic only in their effects, but in reality, can have far-reaching consequences on one’s physical wellbeing as well.

Acquired Asymmetry

There are two separate types of facial asymmetry, divided based on their respective origins:

  1. Congenital – When a person is born with a visible asymmetry in their dental alignment and jawline
  2. Acquired – When the person develops asymmetry later on

Congenital asymmetry and acquired asymmetry can both be treated, but acquired dental and facial imbalances can be prevented completely with timely treatment. An example of acquired imbalance with far-reaching consequences would be a loss of tooth/teeth. Even a single missing tooth can eventually cause the very structure of your jaw to change permanently.

This leads to headaches, loss of bite force, inability to chew food properly and loss of dental integrity. If the missing/broken/chipped tooth/teeth are quickly attended to with care, though, all of these eventual side-effects can be prevented from happening. You will need to contact a specialist like Woodborough House immediately, if you can identify with any of the symptoms mentioned here, or if you simply want to improve your smile. They are now open post lockdown and using their 40+ years of combined experience in dental practice to treat patients who are suffering with dental issues like this.

Poor Digestion

It can be a missing or chipped tooth, or it can be a couple of misaligned or crooked molars, but results can be quite similar. Molars are there to help us bite, and unless they are properly aligned with each other, it could either be painful or practically impossible to chew food properly. This is usually found to be one of the most common oral imbalances that lead to acid reflux, poor digestion, constipation, and even ulcers.

Breathing Problems and Halitosis

Halitosis and breathing problems are often very closely related, although the issues will not necessarily be dental in origin. To understand how one can lead to the other because of oral health issues which might be mistaken as cosmetic by most people, go through the following examples:

  • Malocclusions and deviated septum can be related conditions; that is, they can simultaneously be present in the same person
  • A deviated septum could cause people to breathe through their mouth while sleeping, as their nose may often clog up during the night
  • If the person also has an overbite, a crossbite or an underbite, that can prevent them from being able to breathe properly while asleep
  • This results in restless nights where the brain wakes them up multiple times due to a lack of oxygen while sleeping

The effects are similar to what happens when someone has sleep apnoea, but the origin of this particular condition arises from a combination of overgrown teeth and a deviated septum.

Halitosis, aka bad breath, is a usual side-effect of having a deviated septum, only made worse due to the patient having to open their mouth wider, in order to compensate for their disproportionately located teeth.

Generally, when we hear about cosmetic dentistry, we do not consider the possibility that it might also be necessary as well. Even though dental procedures that help straighten crooked teeth or realign someone’s misaligned jawline may not seem anything more than superficial, that is not even close to being true. Whatever your reasons might be, rest assured that a professional consultation can only improve things. Contact your local dentistry before the problem becomes more complex than it has to be.