Little Belle Night Lights!
When I had Florence we lived in a tiny flat which only had two bedrooms. It was a bit of a squash and a squeeze when she was born as the second bedroom was actually Jonny’s music room and have to be subdivided to make way for our baby girl. I did not enjoy having pictures of The Beatles on her walls anymore than I liked the fact the guitars, amplifiers and other musical accoutrements lived in her “nursery” and by the time Jimmy came along it felt like the old woman who lived in a shoe. I longed for them to have their own bedrooms so that I could decorate the nursery like everyone else seemed to do but by the time we moved home to Norfolk, and bought a bigger house, they were 6 and 3 and had very definitely ideas about how they wanted their rooms. Fair enough I’d say but I did feel a little cheated from that experience.
Then I fell pregnant again and I got to neutrally decorate a nursery ready for his or her arrival which was a tremendous pleasure. I enjoyed every element of the grey and silver star theme I decided upon for our little baby and when he was born I added touches that were just right for our beautiful baby boy.
Then a year and a half ago I was lucky enough to have that pleasure one more time when Posie came into the world. Again I’d decorated her room in neutral colours with white walls but I had ideas of what I’d do either way once the baby was born. And I’ve been doing it ever since, adding and creating lovely things just for her as and when I find the right pieces. She doesn’t sleep in there yet but when she does it is a beautiful pink and quirky space, accented with insects (especially honeybees as is her middle name) for her to enjoy. It’s such a beautiful room!

And on the shelf there above the cot you will see one of the most special pieces of all. If you haven’t yet noticed it then take a little look at my Instagram post of Posie’s room just when we’d finished the wall and added some finishing touches like the beautiful Little Belle Night Light!
Posie was kindly gifted the Elfin House Night Light in pink which as you will see from the video has a number of settings. You can change the colour of the lights and the settings to make it dim. It comes with an integrated rechargeable battery and the remote control which makes it easy to operate without disturbing a sleeping baby. It’s truly beautiful and such a timeless piece. Little Belle also make night lights in other colours and styles including a new one just released which is to be carried by the child, the fairy carry lantern. It doesn’t get hot to touch and the light is very calming with a warm tone to it so it doesn’t feel intrusive. It feels magical, as magical as my little Posie Pops and her beautiful bedroom deserve!

I was gifted the Little Belle Elfin House Night Light.