Wonderbly Books At Christmas!
I wrote about our first taste of Wonderbly books a while back, how impressed we were with what’s far more than a personalised story book, and that we found so many fantastic elements to the gorgeous stories we read. We thoroughly recommended them as they are just so much more interesting than most personalised books which can often be a bit nothing when it comes to the actual content.
I’ve found, over the years, when we have had personalised story books, that they can be rather awful when it comes to the story. Boring and unthoughtful. Other brands have tended to focus on the fact your child is individually named and let everything else be rather secondary as if it’s not really important but who wants to pick up a boring book more than once?
How I found Wonderbly to be different was that the bones of the pages, quite aside from the personalisation, are thoroughly enjoyable, interesting and a blooming good read. I think in the past I’ve felt somewhat short changed by a personalised book, almost to the point I’d have said avoid this genre at all costs. Then we were gifted some Wonderbly books (“Where Are You Raffie Knowles” – Where’s Wally style but in a much more intricate way with chapters culminating in finding the character, who is your child, and content which will span a really vast age range and grow with the child, as well as a nursery rhyme book for our baby Posie) and my opinion on personalised books had to change. Or perhaps it’s just that Wonderbly are a cut above so rather I changed my sweeping opinion of ALL personalised books.
Wonderbly books have become firm favourites in our house now and because of their style they will last the children a lot of years. There’s so much scope within the pages of Raffie’s book that we’ve not even touched on half of it yet although we do read it often. It’s got legs shall we say and just like the “Where Are You?” Book, the nursery rhymes too will be something Posie can enjoy now and also when she’s much older.
We’ve been very lucky then, being asked to try a couple more books from Wonderbly, with a particular mind for Christmas and yet again I’ve been super impressed.
For Posie I ordered the “My First Christmas” book. You only have one first Christmas and she is so much the little darling of our family we want a massive fuss made of her. Saying that, she is our fourth and we know buying lots of things for a baby is a bit of a waste. We have lots of THINGS and babies don’t NEED much. Raffie has always been given the bare minimum and still this year we won’t go over board as he’s still not in tune with the fact Christmas means lots of presents but Posie does need a few special bits as does he. So we need super thoughtful things that they either need (clothes) or that will last them long enough they will really will appreciate them. Books are something which offer just that and the Wonderbly “My First Christmas” book is something to treasure forever.

A beautiful story with pictures and personalised just for Posie is just what we need and taking advantage of the fact she won’t know we have been reading it to her now and will wrap it up for Christmas too. Why not?!

And for Raffie… We won’t be able to fool him into thinking this one hasn’t been read for it’s already a real favourite! He’s had an early Christmas present!

Raffie enjoyed his “Where Are You?” book filled to he brim with such details at every corner, middle and edge that I thought he would be over the moon with a book of animal facts and that’s why we chose “How Many Raffies Make A Hippo?” It is, again, brilliantly filled to he brim with details and again a book which can be dipped into and taken in sections, as a whole or even just for a random fact. He thinks it’s brilliant to be at the centre of the story again but also the content is just up his street and super engaging for him. What a wonderful choice for Christmas!

Obviously Raffie enjoys the parts about poo and smells. Such a boy! His older brother Jimmy is rather keen too and loves to dip in and out of the facts with Raffie reading to him which is so lovely!

They are such lovely books and make super presents to be treasured for forever. I am thrilled with the ones the children have and am planning on buying more for special presents in the future. Perfect Wonderbly!
We were gifted the books in this post by Wonderbly.