Cinderella Family Theatre At Norwich Maddermarket For 2021/2022!
We went to a mini Cinderella Pantomime in Norwich for younger ones a few weeks ago and it seems Cinderella is the order of the day for panto in Norwich right now as yesterday we headed to the Maddermarket Theatre for a more traditional version with the bigger kids! The Sound Ideas Theatre Company bring a most brilliant version to the stage this Christmas from now until the 31st of December and with a brilliant cast, some absolutely amazing performances, songs, jokes and a storyline which is actually very clever, they entertain for a massive production of “it’s behind you!”

The Maddermaret Theatre is a community theatre in Norwich and since 1921 has been home to both professional and amateur productions of which I myself have been in a few, Florence has also trod on the Maddermarket boards and most of my acting friends have enjoyed performing here at some point. Cinderella is a professional production but does indeed star someone I know very well as my friend Anna is playing (wickedly beautifully) Cinderella’s wicked step mother and this show, like the traditions of all pantomime, is to try and help the theatre get back on its feet after a terribly trying two years of uncertainty.
The arts have been hit hard and what we may be left with at the end of this is not a lot so we do so need to support what we can now to help blossom for the future. We absolutely need theatres like the MAddermarket and companies like Sound Ideas who have produced the most entertaining show!
I took all the children yesterday and even Posie clapped along to the fantastic songs and bedazzling glittery scenery. We booed and hissed (my friend) and shouted out to Buttons as we laughed with the Ugly Sisters (stars of the show)!
It’s a great production, wonderful pantomime and a blooming great value ticket as the prices start at £8. Fantastic and such a great way to support this iconic, local theatre in its hour of need – not that you’d know it when inside. This is the place to be this season so go book – do it now, the wicked step mother says you have to!
I say the Ugly sisters are the stars of the show but my mate Anna, well she’s pretty bloody special! I’d not have even know it was her if I didn’t know it! She’s absolutely blooming marvellous! I want to say this is the most enjoyable pantomime I’ve ever been to but I suppose you’ll think that’s because my mate’s in it… It is though, really is the most enjoyable panto I’ve ever been to and it’s added to because my mate’s in it but that’s not the deciding factor, it’s just really, really great!
Thanks for inviting me to your show Sound Ideas!
Book your tickets through The Maddermarket website here: