Get The Big Potato Games Out For Christmas Day!

We always have a new family game to play on Christmas Day. It’s become a bit of a tradition and we are always searching for something fun and unique which will be a easy play, entertaining for all and a talking point as much of a game. Lucky old us and we’ve been given the chance to try out three new one =s from Big Potato Games ahead of Chrimbo this year meaning the fun has begun early!
This trip of games by Big Potato are all aimed at ages 10+ but we obviously have two little ones in our family too, we have managed to play with them on teams and it’s been great fun. They might not “get” all of it but they’ve certainly enjoyed playing with us all the same (especially Chicken Vs Hot Dog) and we’ve had a whale of a time trying out each of these fun, innovative and very different games which would work perfectly in any family for Christmas Day,
Hand on heart I’d choose any one for our gaming afternoon of festive fun, they all fit the criteria we set and have been an absolute blast to play ahead of the big day. We will now have to play all three when it comes to it of course, how could we choose?!
£24.99 – 2+ players for ages 10+ and a roughly guided playing time of 15 minutes

My 10 year old has been flipping bottles for months now, trying to “land them” as he calls it. It’s been driving me bonkers but with the same premise directed in this game, with a set place to “flip” and with purpose, I can get on board! You can play in twos, or join up with extras for a two team affair!
It’s pretty easy, there’s no major rules to learn and anyone can have a go. It’s also pretty funny, I mean look at the playing pieces! You simply split into two teams, choose your piece (chicken or hot dog) and when it’s your go you turn over a challenge card which will ask you to complete a rotation in a certain number of attempts with a challenge like “do it with your eyes closed”. Each team then secretly bids to using the bidding cards, how confident they are at nailing it, then the highest bidder goes. Or, if it’s a draw, it’s flipperrama time and a dual ensues to becoming top dog! The first team to win is the one who turns over all their character cards (six) which they can do individually at the end of each successful challenge so it’s pretty fast and furious with a lot of place for laughing!

£20 – 4-10 players for ages 10+ and a roughly guided playing time of 15 minutes

So, for this one it’s not what you know but what you can make up that you know! Each player takes it in turns to be the guesser who will first dish out the fish to the players, face down so that no one knows which fish anyone else has. The fish will all be red herrings aside from one, which will be a true blue kipper! The guesser then draws a question card to read it aloud with the correct answer on show for the players to see. Those with a red herring have to make something up and make it convincing while the true blue kipper, instead, has to tell the truth while making it seem like a lie. The guesser then has the job of weeding out the red herrings… Each player only has 15 seconds to give their answer to the question so thinking on your feet is key – much hilarity from all ages trying to make something plausible fit in and a great laugh had by all! We LOVE this one (we love them all but actually this one might just have the edge)!

£19.99 – 2-8 players for ages 10+ and a roughly guided playing time of 15 minutes

A trivia based board game doesn’t often work for a family like mine, with lots of differently aged kids, because the little ones have less general knowledge. This however, is rather silly in its facts and includes questions about all sorts of things which appeal to kids too. The likelihood of my 10 year old knowing an answer is very similar to my Mum for example so it’s even Stevens on the playing field and what you don’t know is really quite hilarious as well! All the answers to all the questions are numbers and not knowing, in fact, isn’t necessarily the hinderance it might be in other games. Take a punt and if you get close, without going over, then that’s ok! If you do go over in your guess though, well, you won’t be shooting for the stars anymore and will be crash landing your astronaut instead!

What’s really great universally about all three games is that they’re fast paced and over very quickly. It’s not that we don’t want to extend the fun, far from it, but when playing more traditional family board games like Monopoly for instance, someone will always lose interest if it goes on too long and then the whole exercise has been pointless. These have that desired effect of leaving you wanting more and we like that very much!
We were gifted these Big Potato games as part of a collaboration.