Mechanics Challenge Strike By Geomags!

Geomags have always tapped really well into Jimmy’s interests; he’s naturally interested in construction, engineering and maths and so the combination of all of those things combined in one toy have been the appeal. Even as a tiny, tiny boy he was so inclined to lay on the floor at the top of the BT tower watching the mechanics of it rotate us, rather than joining in with the party that we were there for. Face painting and balloon animals are fun of course but this mechanism was way too interesting for Jimmy’s brilliant brain. His reception teacher would tell me he’d spend hours in the construction zone, choosing to build over anything else at school and still to this day building of any kind be it with LEGO, K’Nex, Geomags or anything else including the recycling, is the thing Jimmy enjoys the most.

We’ve had lots of Geomags sets over the years for Jimmy and he uses the pieces for what they are intended, at first, and then goes on to build other things of his own. Often incorporating other materials. He’s pretty fly like that and from working guns (I know, but they’re always incredible) to buildings, machinery and vehicles he’s just super clever at it. I knew he’d be very interested in this set from Geomags, the Mechanics Challenge Strike, because it covers all the bases he’s interested in in terms of mechanical building 0 he loves the magnet elements, but on top of that it has a purpose. So I knew he’d enjoy the set up but then really get a kick from the play of the game!

Once you’ve completed the challenge of the set up, something which Jimmy did pretty swiftly with the 185 pieces that the set comes with (there’s also lots of spares), he began to play the game which works on gravity using a motor which works by having ball bearings thrown into it. The balls propel the motor to spin its arm and then from there the challenge is to knock the various pillars over with the swing of it. There are various ways to play to keep it exciting and you can play against another person or play by yourself so perfect for my boys to do together, or for Jimmy to just spend time making up his own rules of play for a Jimmy version.

For Jimmy who holds a lot of interest in maths and science, and who enjoys the build, this is perfect from start to finish and for his little brother who can enjoy the game once it’s all set up it’s great too. If you had a child who wasn’t quite so interested in the construction it would mean a bit of work for you as the set up is kind of the best bit almost. (The Geomag (779) Mechanics Challenge Strike is available from Coolshop for £49.)
A definite winner for Jimmy and Raffie, who at just turned 5 is too young really (it’s recommended for ages 8+) who got to ride on the coat tails of his big brother’s efforts!