Draper James X Lands’ End Summer Collection!

Draper James X Lands’ End Summer Collection! I had my first introduction to the Draper James X Lands’ End collection, the Lands’ End collaboration with Hollywood’s Reese Witherspoon a while back when I was kindly gifted some of their gorgeous nightwear to see me through winter. I loved the prints and incredible quality of the nightshirt and slippers so was super keen to see the latest collection for summer. Of course with sunshine and this season it’s all about swimwear […]

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Dress Your Age?!

Dress Your Age?! I seem to be an in-betweener when it comes to fashion at the moment. I’m neither old and yet nor am I young, so what should I be wearing? Should, could, would?! I mean, I have literally spent so much of my life worrying about what I CAN wear because by my way of thinking aged 19, weighing in at 6 and a half stone, denying myself any food most of all the time AND my way […]

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