Vegetarian Chilli Pepper Pasta With Waveney Mill Spatziola!

We love a pasta dish in this house, every single member (which is quite something with 6 of us) and though the boys and Posie will have it served simply with butter and cheese, the rest of us love a spicy or creamy dish. This one, which is vegetarian and delicious, hits the mark for us and it’s so easy to make we find ourselves turning to it over and over again yet never getting bored. We made it recently with some Waveney Mill Pasta we were sent to try and it made the dish even more tasty. Great quality past is always welcome and this really is just that. Made in Norfolk too and you’re not only shopping small but if you live close to us then locally too. What’s not to love?! Waveney Mill pasta is milled in Norfolk and supports British wheat farmers nationally and it produces a premium pasta right on the banks of the river Yare where it has stool for 140 years. Durham wheat is rarely milled in the UK but is a staple of Waveny and an essential to the pasta they create. It’s a cut above, really great tasting and cookies superbly. It also works so well in this dish so if you’d like to give it a try the recipe is below!

Ingredients to serve 4:
500g Waveney Mill Spatziola, one vegetable stock cube, one red onion and one white or brown onion (finely sliced), 300ml boiling water, one glass of dry white wine, 2 red chillies (finely sliced and deseeded if you like a little less heat), 2 garlic cloves (grated), a handful of green beans, parsley (chopped) olive oil, sugar, salt and pepper.

Boil the pasta as per the packet instructions, drain and drizzle with a little olive oil before stirring through and covering. While the pasta is cooking heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large sauce pan and gently fry the onions until soft, add the chillies, garlic and beans and continue to gently fry for one minute before adding the stock cube and breaking that down with a spoon to form a thick paste, add the glass of wine, bring to the boil and then simmer while adding the water. When the sauce is thickened (about 5 minutes) add the pasta to it and stir in until combined, Serve with the parsley and a glass of the left over wine!