How to transport a newborn in a car? General rules for driving parents

How to transport a newborn in a car? General rules for driving parents In the modern world, transporting a baby in a car is a daily matter. Each country will have different rules on age and weight and child seat regulations. According to if you are renting a car or an MPV you can choose to bring your own child seat, or you can book a child seat as an additional extra. That is why there are so many […]

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Counting Sheep!

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Counting Sheep! I spend my time getting to sleep, which you’d think wouldn’t be hard being a busy Mum, lying awake pretending I have a far healthier purse, metaphorically counting sheep if you will! I often find that winding down from a day with much going on, chaotic lifts to various clubs and then a frenzy of dinner before someone else needs to be dropped at another club and the little ones need getting ready for bed that by the […]

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Lab Created Diamond Ring Trends For Summer!

Lab Created Diamond Ring Trends For Summer! Conscientious shopping habits have become second nature as people are increasinglybecoming aware of their shopping habits and the origins of the items they are purchasing,with lab diamonds soaring in popularity amongst shoppers and all for the right reasons!Today I have the lab grown jewellery experts from Lily Arkwright here to give us a runthrough of the top lab created diamond ring styles you should be considering this summer! What are lab diamonds? First […]

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The Benefits of Outdoor Learning for Children

The Benefits of Outdoor Learning for Children Outdoor learning is a great benefit for children to pick up as they grow up. It’s something a lot of schools now use in the form of outdoor classrooms or forest schools, but the learning doesn’t stop there. Parents can use this time in making activities and learning opportunities for their child that happen outside as well. Be it the park or your back garden, your child will have plenty of fun when […]

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Exploring Mindfulness with Your Child

Exploring Mindfulness with Your Child To have a mindful attitude requires a lot of graft and dedication, but it’s also something your child will become used to naturally as they develop their skills. Giving your child a platform to build their mindfulness skills within can help them with a range of their skills and abilities, which can train their resilience, bravery and problem solving skills. In this guide from a nursery in Letchworth, we take a look at the ways […]

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Top Tips for Helping Your Child Learn a New Language

Top Tips for Helping Your Child Learn a New Language Learning a new language is a great part of your child’s development. It’s something children are able to pick up much easier than when we’re adults, and a beginners language class will develop a lot of different skills as well as giving them the ability to speak another language. To help your child learn a new language, here are top tips from this prep school in Chesham to explore with […]

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Teaching Your Child to Resist Peer Pressure

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Teaching Your Child to Resist Peer Pressure Peer pressure is a hard thing for children to both understand and overcome. It can require a lot of dedication for some kids to pick up the best options for them when it comes to being curious. Thankfully, a lot of things like peer pressure can be handled at home from the direction of us parents. In this guide from a prep school in Surrey, we look at some tips you can use […]

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Nozstock 2022 – No Better Family Festival!

Nozstock 2022 – No Better Family Festival! Yes! After a 2 year COVID hiatus the best family festival we ever went to is back with aplomb and we cannot wait (only I can wait because that means the end of term and I’m not ready to have Raffie to not be a pre-schooler anymore)! It’s going to be worth the wait for the festival and a massive softener to my baby boy being grown up enough to be graduating from […]

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Best spooky places in San Juan to visit with friends

Best spooky places in San Juan to visit with friends San Juan is one of those renowned islands with thousands of years of ancient history; men succumbed to death, countless battles fought, lost in war, and many more. Therefore, it’s the biggest reason San Juan, being the capital of Puerto Rico, is known for the lingering souls who haven’t left the place yet.  Sounds spooky, right? Indeed! So, if you’re inclined toward ghosts and want to dig deeper, no other […]

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Mindfulness Gift With WellBox!

Mindfulness Gift With Wellbox! I always think it’s incredibly generous when people send gift boxes, not only that but it always feels like a mega treat and a really big deal. I was sent a number after I’d had Posie and they were so thoughtful and well put together with things which really meant a lot to me. One of them had been sent by a friend who’d have never been able to think of such gifts himself and so […]

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