Top Trumps – Christmas Gifts For The Whole Family!

If you’ve not played Top trumps then where have you been? My lot love them, the boys and the girls (well, Posie might not it has to be said, she’s only 9 months old but if her siblings are anything to go by then I’m sure she will) and it’s not just the kids who are fans for the grown ups here love it too. It’s a really cool and easy game to play either at home, in the car or on holiday. A pack of cards in size and you thrash it out to see who wins on various categories to gain all the cards. It’s easy and simple yet so much fun, no wonder it’s now got absolutely tons of choices and as far as I’m concerned it the best stocking filler because of it – you can never have too many Top Trumps!

One of Jimmy’s fave ever packs is the Plop Trumps one he was given as a gift a few years ago and still very much laughed over and played with as different animal’s poo is pitted against each other. And most recently he’s been able to enjoy two newer packs of more topics just up his street – Football Top Trumps and Star Wars The Mandalorian!

He is mega keen on both so I knew Top Trumps packs would go down very well – what 9 year old boy isn’t into The Mandalorian and obviously football is a big hitter with the boys and girls too!

The Mandalorian Top Trumps can be found on Amazon priced at £10 and as The Disney + smash that it is, The Top trumps pack contains all the great characters from the space-western in a glorious gold case. Is Bo-Katan stronger than Ahsoka Tano? Is Kuiil as resisilent as Grogu and does Boba Fett has better technology than the Mandalorian himself? We regularly are asked these sorts of questions by our 9 year old and now we can thrash out the answers with him playing Top Trumps – it’s a limited edition so be quick!
The World Football Stars set of Top Trumps focuses on 30 of the world’s finest football stars, featuring Cristiano Ronaldo, Antoine Griezmann, Luis Su’rez and many more! Discover precisely how many Caps, Goals and Trophies these players have racked up, and battle it out for the title of Top Trump. Each card offers striking photography and a custom bio for each player that tells you everything you need to know about their career so far. Will Dembele’s Year of Birth stat win the round? Will you conquer your opponents with Becker’s Caps stat, or Kant’s Top Trumps Rating? This football info is just as important to Jimmy as playing the game itself and couldn’t be better suited to his new found favourite sport! This pack is priced at £8, also to be found on Amazon!

My nephew is exactly the same as Jimmy when it comes to footy, footy, footy so I’ll be buying him a set of this as well – the perfect little present which doesn’t tale up too much space, is loads of fun and will always be enjoyed! Great stuff Top Trumps!
I was gifted the products as part of a collaboration.
The Mandalorian pack sucks. The fact that it doesn’t come with Cara Dune is bullshit.