Wroxham Barns – Christmas 2023!
I always do say how wonderful I think Wroxham Barns is, and for their 2023 Christmas Experience offering my opinion is firmly cemented. They go ALL OUT, at ALL times of the year, but Christmas is something else! Raffie couldn’t decide at Halloween if he prefers spooky season or festive on the farm, “they’re both TOO good!” he said, but now that we’re steam rollering to Christmas, with just one month to go, having visited for our first truly festive treat of the year, I think I’m going to have to go with this season as being my own personal favourite. It’s just, as Raffie says, “TOO GOOD”!

For me, as a parent of four children, the all inclusive element is what makes everything so much easier. Knowing it’s all been paid for and where you are on the pocket is super important as spending those hard earned pennies is a real choice that has to be selectively made in the current climate. Would I spend my money on this experience? Oh yes! I absolutely would! We are often customers at WB, although last night we did attend as guests of the park and boy do we feel lucky!

We had a whistle-stop tour of everything on offer which, as always, includes all the regular fun of the farm and fairground, soft play and park areas. For Christmas the Wroxham Barns train has become the North Pole Express, whisking families through the snow (actually) to visit Father Christmas in a grotto of extremely festive proportions and once your personal time with FC is up, he gifts each child a golden coin to spend in his magical toy shop.

As well as the Express and grotto, new for the season and included in the cost of entry are a show with Mrs Claus which sees everyone dancing and joining in with the fun before decorating some gingerbread, an elf assisted Christmas crafting session, time to write and send a letter to Father Christmas for the big day itself and a station to make reindeer food to bring home ready for Christmas Eve.

This is Norfolk’s answer to Lapland and I wouldn’t say he’s a poor relation. To have such a fantastic offering within our midst at such an affordable price is a real luck of where we live, I couldn’t recommend it more. The actors are simply wonderful as well, of course that’s assuming they ARE actors and not actual elves? I did hear one whispering to Posie “I think you are a proper elf like us, am I right?” And she slowly nodded her head – so I’m not 100% sure Posie isn’t one of them either!

There are rarely add ons to the day at WB but this season you can uplift your day further by also booking a stop at the Teddy Workshop which ordinarily I’d not opt for myself however, if you are choosing this day out over the incredible investment of a trip to something like Lapland UK (and I would say there’d be no disappointment in making this choice) then this element would be a mere drop on the ocean. We got to make our own bear and the children were very keen on all the prep and specialness of stuffing their snowman bear (there’s lots to choose from), giving him a heart with a Christmas wish and accepting his birth certificate to bring him home with. It was lovely. And I didn’t think I’d say that!

The Wroxham Barns Christmas Experience won’t be topped this season for us. I can say that with certainty. We feel very lucky and super privileged to have been one of the first families this year to have experienced their magic!

Take a closer look at our visit here!
I often think these things are money makers, money grabbers and money pits. Here I feel they pour their heart and soul into what they offer families and I’m not entirely sure how they make any money for it really does feel like you get more than you pay for – bravo Wroxham Barns, bravo!
If you book this weekend, before midnight on the 26th of November there is 20% off. This is for a visit at any time of your choosing throughout the run which completes on Christmas Eve.
We were invited as guests of the park to experience the Wroxham Barns Christmas for 2023.