Wobbel Yoga With The Yoga Feed! – Norwich
Raffie, Posie and I were very lucky getting to experience some new Wobbel Classes run by The Yoga Feed Norwich last term. We had an absolutely brilliant time sampling this wonderful activity I’d not heard of before and Raffie still keeps asking when we are going back, alas the days have changed and clash with nursery for us right now but boy we are keeping our eye open in case that changes. I’m so glad we went as we had such a special time and, even if we don’t get to go back, I am absolutely certain this class really developed a new space for Raffie. It offered him the chance to be calm (not something he is usually in a position to take advantage of with so many siblings) and showed him a new way of having fun while inviting him to concentrate at the same time. Relaxation and calm time for thought and meditation are meant to be so good for children (as well as all the fun and running around of course) so we are going lots to promote this aside from the yoga. At home we are concentrating on breathing techniques, lying down in a hammock is a good way of engaging them for that and also calmer TV programmes instead of the usual frenetic.
The Wobbel classes are a structured waybof encouraging this also. That makes it sound very formal, it isn’t, quite the opposite, but it was a thinking and contemplating lesson centred around mindfulness while still, of course, welcoming the fun toddlers seek naturally.

I storied my way through the course where Raffie was introduced to yoga, on a Wobbel board, with his sister’s very eager eye watching all that he did and had lots of messages asking about what we were doing. No one messaged me more than my own Mum however, who was beyond impressed with how the classes worked, the focus, the concentration and the experience of showing a toddler how to be calm and to breathe. She has told me I must make it a priority to change our schedule as soon as we can so that we can sign up again. Raffie was enriched by the experience so much and we really don’t want to stop on a permanent basis so fingers crossed!

Sophie from The Yoga Feed is a special needs teacher in her day job but moonlights as a Wobbel yoga instructor extraordinaire and we will miss her weekly classes of singing, balancing and following a story pattern greatly. I’m actually thinking we will have to buy a Wobbel Board for home too as they really do invite not just structured yoga time but a tremendous amount of play. We blew bubbles over the board, blew feathers under it, we wobbled, jumped, ran, danced and sang around it. We also lay on the board and calmly restored at the end of each class which strangely seemed to be the part Raffie enjoyed the most.

We also met some really nice people taking the class and in the relaxed, friendly environment we felt at ease and welcome every single week despite being late (always) and loud (mostly). Such a great experience and one to be repeated as soon as we can. I think Posie got as much from the looking on as Raffie did from the doing although there are baby classes too of course. A great class, something entirely different and one to get your name down for asap as man those places get booked up – no surprises there! I’m sure when we do find our extra 25th hour we will have to go on a waiting list but it’s one worth being down on for sure!
Thanks for having us The Yoga Feed, we loved it!