Pensthorpe For Easter 2023! Having been regular visitors of Pensthorpe ever since we had children we’ve seen many changes at the park. It has always been a wonderful day out for families, but over the years there has been tremendous focus on making it more welcoming and inviting as well as inclusive for all. Not only have the play areas, both inside and out become a real hub, a massive talking point about their brilliance, but activities on offer such […]
Norfolk Days Out
Wroxham Barns For Easter 2023! Look, I honestly cannot fault Wroxham Barns and yet each season, each holiday, year after year, they get better and better! As a family run business they are in a position to really listen to customers and action points immediately, and boy do they! At the forefront of Wroxham Barns’ ethos is family, from the unit within who own and run the farm and park, to the way they consider their customers and these days […]
Easter 2023 At Roarr Dinosaur Adventure! Since having our annual passes for Roarr! Dinosaur Adventure (bought for Posie’s birthday and she doesn’t even need one FYI as is under the height requirement for a paid ticket) we have been lots and lots. More than got our money’s worth as we’ve been at LEAST once a week. I bought them because I thought how perfect it would be to pop on down after school once the sun warms our cockles a […]
Wonderfold Wagons Hit The UK! As invitees to the UK launch party for Wonderfold wagons last week, we felt very lucky indeed to be some of the first to see in person the folding wagons of festival dres which can carry up to four children on top of a wealth of STUFF! We very rarely go anywhere without our own wagon when tripping for the day as a family. I only use a buggy when I’m with Posie, for all […]
February Half Term 2023! HOW are we Half way through the academic year?! Crazy, crazy how time just evaporates isn’t it but here we are with Raffie half way through reception, Florence half way through year 8, Posie having just turned two and our star of the moment Jimmy half way through his final year at primary school. Star of the moment because we found out on the first day of the holidays that he got his place at the […]
Wroxham Barns Lambing Live For February Half Term 2023! Wroxham Barns have pulled it out the bag yet again for this half term with a lambing event which saw us get to see a baby lamb actually being born! Now, I can’t guarantee that’s what you’ll get if you pop along for an all inclusive day out by the broads but… I’d say you stand a VERY good chance! Their maternity ewe-nit is filled to the brim with sheep about […]
FREE Dodo And Dinosaur Trail At Chantry Place This Half Term! From the 4th to the 18th of February, covering the entirety of half term, Chantry Place has created a most generous invitation to come, with your children, and enjoy their Dodo and Dinosaur Trail for absolutely FREE! Running in connection with the Norwich Science Festival, which also gifts a half term itinerary packed to the the rafters with FREE or inexpensive activities for the children, the trail begins at […]
Christmas 2022 At Pensthorpe Natural Park! We do talk a lot about Pensthrope Natural Park as it’s one of our most favourite places to be in Norfolk. As days out go, it never gets old, has something for everyone and most important has an incredibly inclusive price. I wanted to let you know about the massively brilliant price of the annual tickets to visit because they are just so inexpensive it would make the most ideal Christmas present. For just […]
Baby Ballet Norfolk! We were recently invited to try the new Baby Ballet Classes for Central Norfolk and we loved them so much we’ve signed up for this next term too! Posie began the tinies class which is for babies aged 18 months to 3 years but there are classes for tots (6m-18m), movers (3y-4y) and Groovers (4.5y-6y). The classes run in various locations and are active every single day of the week with the exception of Sundays. We’ve been […]
Chest Congestion in the Fall: Causes Treatments Although a cold and its accompanying chest congestion can occur at any time of the year, the generally accepted start of the “cold season” in the northern hemisphere arrives in September. The start of cooler seasonal temperatures by itself, however, does not necessarily produce more colds and chest congestion. You can generally blame congestion and its associated symptoms on viruses or seasonal allergies. Rather than determining the cause, your greater interest may concern finding […]