DryRobe Advance Long Sleeve Changing Robe! Florence has been surfing for a couple of year’s now taking lessons at Glide in Cromer where she fell in love with both the sport and the culture. She absolutely adores beach life and being on the sand (as do I) but where she wants to actually hone her skills as a surfer, I, as a youngster, simply wanted to be seen in all the gear LOOKING like I knew what I was doing. […]
The Benefits Of Extra-Curricular Activities For Children Extra-curricular activities are important for a child’s development. You may think that they learn enough at school, but there are plenty of personal skills that can be learnt through various hobbies that will support your child’s overall progress, both academically and more generally. I have teamed up with an independent school in Essex to explore some of the benefits of extra-curricular activities in further detail. Impresses Universities If your child is hoping to […]
How To Raise A Science Lover Science is an important subject for children and opens up many doors for them in terms of a future career. It is in fact a compulsory subject, at least until the end of GCSE level. With that said, parents should try and find ways to help their child find a love of science from an early age. Here are some tips from a prep school in Hampstead. Explore the Great Outdoors Exploring nature is […]
Should I Encourage My Child To Learn An Instrument? There are many benefits to allowing, or even actively encouraging, your child to pursue an extra-curricular activity such as learning an instrument. It’s a chance for them to develop various new skills and grow in confidence. Of course, you’ll need to make sure learning an instrument is something they are actually interested in doing before you encourage them to do so, as there are lots of other options when it comes […]
Helping Your Child Develop Fine Motor Skills Good fine motor skills are required to complete many of our everyday tasks, like typing or writing, using cutlery when we eat, tying our laces and doing up the buttons on our shirts. These skills basically refer to the co-ordination between the smaller muscles in our hands, fingers, and wrists, as well as our strength and dexterity. Weak fine motor skills will make it difficult for your child to complete various essential tasks, […]
A Positive Birth: The Dad’s Guide To Becoming A Confident Birth Partner! When asked if I’d review the latest book by Daddilife Books, written for dads, by dads, and understood the topic, I jumped at the chance. I think Dads during the births of their children are often left feeling like spare parts and without wanting to get in the way they try to un-involve themselves when actually, they couldn’t be more needed! In step A Positive Birth: The Dads […]
Half Term Fun May/June 2022! How the holidays go so quickly is a real travesty for I love nothing more than being in the thick of them with my whole gang around. With four of all different ages it’s sometimes hard to please everyone but we have found lots of those moments this week alongside some compromises for everyone on occasion and some days where we have all done different things. I don’t find that makes me the happiest but […]
Colonel Saab, London! he Family history of the Colonel Saab restaurant, sat on High Holborn, just a short walk from the tube, is so colourfully interesting to read inside the menu, the story playing out in a read it and see it moment as you devour the information about the decor, art work collected over decades from travels through India and portrait details on the wall. As Roop, the owner’s parents, were stationed at different army postings they collected art, recipes and […]
Why Visit The Science Museum, London? There are tons of reasons why you should visit The Science Museum in London, more so than perhaps the Natural History, which is just next door and yet seems to be the museum my out of town friends immediately think of. When I tell them to go next door instead, and the reasons why, they are never disappointed. First of all the museum is free to get into with a wealth of resources at […]
Roarr! Valley Of The Dinosaurs! Obviously we are massive fans of Roarr! Dinosaur Adventure based here in Norfolk. I’ve written many times about our visits to the park where we enjoy all that’s on offer on site, all of which comes as part and parcel of the entry price and now, though we can never get around all they have in just one day as it stood, there’s another new attraction joining the line up! As well as the high […]