Wroxham Barns 2025! Why do I keep going back to Wroxham Barns? Because it brings smiles like this one, that’s why! And because this gorgeous Broads destination farm changes like a chameleon with the seasons, it’s hard not to find something new with every visit. We last went at Christmas for their spectacular which leaves me wondering why anyone spends money on something like Lapland UK, prior to that we’d enjoyed fireworks night, Halloween, summer fun with glamping and more […]
Norfolk Days Out
BeWILDerwood 2025! I’m sure we HAVE had some negative experiences at BeWILDerwood in the last 15 years since we started visiting with a baby Florence, but I’m struggling to remember a time when we’ve come home feeling annoyed. I found it irksome that they cashed in on the Glorious Glowing lantern Parade after covid and made it a stand alone ticket on top of the day ticket but aside form that, I can’t think of anything I don’t like! I […]
Wroxham Barns For Christmas 2024! Putting feet wrong is not something Wroxham Barns do (to my knowledge) and that’s why we keep going back. They chameleon into each season in what seems to be a seamlessly, effortless (and yet I know, in actual fact, a tremendous amount of work goes on behind the scenes) journey to being the best family day out in Norfolk! Christmas 2024, and the experience they are offering, is no exception. It’s totally and utterly, fantastically […]
Wroxham Barns Little Farmer’s Club! Wroxham Barns has just launched their new venture, a mid-week, term time, mark on their calendar, the Wednesday Little Farmer’s Club! A visit to be enjoyed by pre-schoolers (and anyone else you may have home) where the ticket will buy you all the regular fun on the farm, PLUS a “Little Farmer’s” itinerary of various activities, including messy play! £9.50 for anyone over the age of 2 gifts you a wrist band for the day […]
BeWILDerwood – Twiggle Tots! Weekdays at BeWILDerwood have never looked more affordable! If you have a little Twiggle Tot (ages 3 and under) then a special £10.50 price has been set for a tiny one, AND their grown up, to spend a day going wild in the woods! This offer is valid for weekdays during the whole month of June and if day 1 is anything to go by, is going to be VERY popular! We are long time fans […]
Pensthorpe In May 2024! Pensthorpe has been one of our favourite places to visit ever since Florence was a baby. It gifts the perfect day out with something g for everyone and Iver the years I’ve seen their offerings just get better and better. The play areas, for a prime example, have transformed in the last 14 years making Pensthorpe potentially one of the most brilliant places to take children in the UK. Be it an indoor romp in Hootz […]
Easter At Pensthorpe – 2024! Will we be visiting Pensthorpe Natural Park, one of our favourite places this coming Easter holiday?! Well, of course! Pensthorpe has always been a staple in our school holiday calendar (it’s a staple all year round actually) and this coming break is no exception! Pensthorpe is the perfect mix of wholesome, outdoorsy exercise (needed with four children all fuelled with energy to burn) and fun play both inside and out. You absolutely don’t need children […]
Pensthorpe For February Half Term 2024! We are year round visitors to Pensthorpe taking full advantage of our annual pass which allows us visits even in school holidays! Posie and I regularly trip there during the week to have fun in the daily “messy mornings” held at the indoor play space “Hootz House” (all included in the entry price), followed by fun in the play area, gardens and wonderful playground, but in the school holidays we always like to go […]
BeWILDerwood Presents Christmas! We’ve been visiting BeWILDerwood since Florence was teeny tiny, so now that she’s nearly fourteen we’ve seen lots of things grow with the park while it still keeps its same charm. There’s no flashing lights at BeWILDerwood, nothing mechanical (except from the boat of course) and with the woods as the backdrop being the inspiration for Tom Blofeld’s novels about the Boggles and Twiggles of BeWILDerwood, now, the stories are the inspiration for the very naturally set […]
Thursford Enchanted Journey Of Light! People flock from all around the country to see the Thursford Christmas Spectacular. We’ve seen it before and it is a real treat, simply stunning for older children and adults and being somewhat of an institution I wasn’t surprised to meet a lady in my gym yesterday morning who was on a coach trip from up North to kick off her Christmas traditions with a performance. We chatted about the fact we were both visiting […]