HOW TO RAISE A RESPECTFUL CHILD People who are respectful tend to find it easier making and maintaining good relationships with others, including family members, friends, colleagues and those in positions of authority. This can help them succeed in life, whatever their goals are. The good news is there is a lot we can do as parents to encourage our children to be respectful, as explored here by a prep school in Surrey. Demonstrate what respect is The best way […]
Winter Wonderland Norwich! Winter Wonderland Norwich has been keeping the Norfolk Showground warm for a couple of weeks now but we are proof that you can never be too late to this Christmas party after our rather festive visit this afternoon! This was one the big kids were mega excited about as quite a lot of things we do are mainly geared up for the little ones. Most of the little stuff is ok for big ones too while the […]
Amazing Tech Jobs You Should Consider Pivoting To Career pivoting is becoming more common, especially during times of increased burnout, major changes, and uncertainty. Despite how changing your career can be discouraging because it means starting over, many people are choosing to switch careers. In today’s job market, if you want to switch careers, you can never go wrong in the tech field. Computer and information science degree currently has the highest offers on jobs and acceptance rates. Below are […]
Christmas Party Ready! I had a conversation with my Mum the other day about how women in their 40s dress differently now to the way they dressed when she was my age. Back then if a woman over the age of 25 had worn a mini skirt she’d have been considered a little common, now it’s fair game. We’ve moved on from considering mutton to be dressed as lamb and we now dress how we like, not how society tells […]
Stocking Fillers For Little Boys! We are struggling a little when it comes to gifts for Raffie. It’s literally JUST been his birthday and he has ALL the toys he can handle yet he’d be so unexcited to be given clothing it’s a bit of a mine field. I want him to feel special on Christmas Day and to soak up the magic. 5 years old is just the right age to immerse yourself but I don’t want to buy […]
Keep This Cracker – Reusable Crackers For An Eco Friendlier Christmas! I didn’t know what the stats were surrounding the landfill waste from Christmas crackers so I looked it up. Shockingly, but when you think about it, realistically, the vast majority of the single use plastic treats inside them end up in landfill with an estimated 40 million crackers ending up in the bin come the end of Christmas Day, that’s not even getting started on the non-recyclable packaging… I […]
Deface Race! Deface Race by Tomy Games is a fast paced, against the clock, team player game which will offer much hilarity to Christmas afternoon! For four or more players this one offers the perfect full family play when you have lots of different ages and it’s super easy to set up while the rules really are as simple as this: One team mate draws wipe clean character card and a suggestion card (50 characters with 150 suggestions) and it’s […]
Wroxham Barns – The Christmas Experience 2022! Wroxham Barns is a changed creature since the days when I would take my baby Florence. Back then, more than 12 years ago when we first adventured there, it was a lovely little farm with a small play area, soft play and there were some rides you could pay extra for. The farm was always a great value afternoon out, but we rarely ventured to the ride area as when you have to […]
Goldilocks And The Three Bears At The Maddermarket Theatre Norwich! For the second year running in Norwich there’s really only one pantomime you need to book, and that’s the Sound Idea’s Theatre Company offering at the historic Maddermarket Theatre. Last year’s Cinderella was a triumph with the best, worst baddie in all the land played by none other than my delicious friend Anna Goode who once again is treading the vintage boards of this perfectly charming independent theatre in not […]
Guide to Clothing Babies With Eczema and Other Skin Conditions All babies have delicate skin, but if your baby has Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) or other skin conditions, you’ll need to take extra care to protect your precious little one. Eczema has become increasingly common and causes dry, cracked skin, itchiness, bacterial infections, and redness from scratching. From infants to adults, choosing the right fabric for clothing and blankets can make a big difference to comfort Eczema symptoms, so here are […]