A Pinocchio Adventure! What happens after Pinocchio becomes a real boy? Or a real person rather, as the cast of “A Pinocchio Adventure” refer to him at their all festive, fun and immersive theatrical experience for children aged 5 and over this Christmas season?! Well, you can find out at The Garage this December as this sequel version, produced by the team behind the “My First…” productions (of which they also have an offering for pre-schoolers – read more about […]
Norfolk Days Out
BeWILDerwood Presents Christmas! We’ve been visiting BeWILDerwood since Florence was teeny tiny, so now that she’s nearly fourteen we’ve seen lots of things grow with the park while it still keeps its same charm. There’s no flashing lights at BeWILDerwood, nothing mechanical (except from the boat of course) and with the woods as the backdrop being the inspiration for Tom Blofeld’s novels about the Boggles and Twiggles of BeWILDerwood, now, the stories are the inspiration for the very naturally set […]
Thursford Enchanted Journey Of Light! People flock from all around the country to see the Thursford Christmas Spectacular. We’ve seen it before and it is a real treat, simply stunning for older children and adults and being somewhat of an institution I wasn’t surprised to meet a lady in my gym yesterday morning who was on a coach trip from up North to kick off her Christmas traditions with a performance. We chatted about the fact we were both visiting […]
Wroxham Barns – Christmas 2023! I always do say how wonderful I think Wroxham Barns is, and for their 2023 Christmas Experience offering my opinion is firmly cemented. They go ALL OUT, at ALL times of the year, but Christmas is something else! Raffie couldn’t decide at Halloween if he prefers spooky season or festive on the farm, “they’re both TOO good!” he said, but now that we’re steam rollering to Christmas, with just one month to go, having visited […]
Wroxham Barns For Every Occasion! I was at play group yesterday listening to some other Mums talking about how they’d ended up spending a small fortune at a pumpkin patch in Norfolk over half term and how unreasonable it all was. The place they’d been had charged them for the pumpkin (x 2 came to £12), charged them for the carving, the crafts and other activities and on top of that the experience had lasted only about an hour and […]
Foodies Festival 2023! Earlham Park – Norwich! It’s been a decade since I worked with The Foodies Festival for the first time, back in 2013 I was invited to come as their guest and sample the delights they had on offer in Battersea Park and I have, since then, worked with them many times. However, this year is the first year I’ve collaborated with them in my home city of Norwich and this weekend coming is the weekend that is […]
Pettitts Animal Adventure Park – Norfolk! I remember visiting (and enjoying) Pettitts Animal Adventure Park as a child myself and then absolutely year’s ago taking Florence with a new born Jimmy for their first and only trip there. I’m not sure why we never went back but for whatever reason it simply wasn’t on my radar and whenever people have mentioned it the idea hasn’t stuck. Until now… Friends were going this week and Posie and I joined them in […]
Funderworld Norwich 2023! We had THE MOST tremendous time at Funderworld Norwich over the weekend! The travelling theme park is here in Norfolk only until the 4th of June 2023 so you’ll have to be quick if you don’t want to miss the thrills at the Norfolk Showground! I loved the way it’s been set up in a giant circle and felt totally safe letting my bigger two (13 and 11) to go off together for a bit. That way […]
Funderworld Norwich! The world’s most portable theme park has exploded onto Norwich soil with its current residence being the Norfolk Showground. There until the 4th of June 2023 there’s plenty of time to embrace your crazy mouse, take your life into your own hands and ride the Sky Swing, or to take on your mates on the Dogems! From the team who brought Winter Wonderland to the East last Christmas, we have been gifted a brand new fairground of thrill […]
Have You Tried tastecard? When it comes to having the tastecard app on your phone it couldn’t be easier, or make it less expensive, to enjoy those meals out! Dining in restaurants can be a pocket basher but the experience is so enjoyable it would be a shame to make it a rare treat and with tastecard you don’t have to! All your favourites are part of the scheme meaning a meal out with your friends, family and the kids […]